I thought I would make a year-end post, because that's a cool thing to do these days. As I am not inspired by the muse much (and thus have little to write), let's try bullets.
-- My wife, as always, has been an angel. Thanks for all you put up with and loving me despite my flaws.
-- My kids -- can't wait to meet you!
-- My friends -- you've been too good to me.
-- My DBPoker buddies -- thanks for the good times in AC, CT, and elsewhere. Thanks for teaching me more about this game and having a great attitude.
This year has not been a great poker year win-wise, but I have learned so much and that is surely worth the lower returns than I would have hoped. Further, this year has been more about family than poker, and my focus has appropriately been drawn elsewhere. If I get more time, awesome, if not, may my time be devoted to my family.
May God bless my family in the coming year. May you all find what you are seeking, or what you need, whichever is better.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Bad Beat
Tried to go with my office to a Christmas party in Philly today. Because there were 14 of us going, we got a limo bus. Awesome, right?
Wrong. Instead of getting to a party and having a nice evening, we wound up an hour and a half outside of Pittsburgh on the Turnpike with two shredded tires, only to sit on the side of the road for three hours plus, and finally giving up and turning around.
Wrong. Instead of getting to a party and having a nice evening, we wound up an hour and a half outside of Pittsburgh on the Turnpike with two shredded tires, only to sit on the side of the road for three hours plus, and finally giving up and turning around.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Galapalooza Trip Report
Warning to my non-DBPoker readers: there may be some content in here that will read like an inside joke to you and I may not be able to explain it all. Apologies.
Well, my 20 hours in Columbus was certainly a lot of fun. Here's my trip report, although the fine DBPoker folks have already covered most of the bases.
He won't acknowledge it, but Bob (my fellow Pittsburgh DB-er) talks so much that 4 hours in a car and a Ruby Tuesdays passes like nothing due to good conversation. Also, Bob is the dbtony of driving, as much like Tony bricking in Stud 8, every slow moving car on a freeway will pull in front of Bob.
We arrived at around 1:45, hung around the hotel for a while with MK in tow, and then headed off to dinner at Buca DiBeppo. The beer was flowing, as was some good food and loud chat. I'd hate to be anyone sitting near us....
I took lots of pictures which I will be putting up tonight most likely, and will probably add some to this post. Dinner was a great time, and it was nice to meet some new folks live.
Dinner attenders: Me, rjs162, PurposelessPlay, fishintimber, Maego, jjfunk, scottjf8, Leo1972, Galaxy500, mk, sage.
We then head over to Galaxy's house in a gated community. Very nice place, with a finished basement for the nights activities. Plenty of good beverages and a metric ton of Colonel Pops popcorn. Man that stuff is good.
We start the tourney 12-handed, as Chris is the only one of Gal's friends willing to put up for the tourney (several more would show to play cash later though).
2500 chips to start, 30 minute levels. I chip up early with Aces and turned quads against Kings. I then proceed to waffle between 4000 and 3000 chips for two hours because of card death plus Norm (PPlay) sitting to my left and loving him some reraise. Nevertheless, I make the final table with a decent stack.
Not much of note at the final table from me, I think I finished 6th or 7th. I had Jacks once and got some chips, and mostly I stole some blinds to keep alive depite not having much in the way of cards.
Finally, with blinds of 150/300 (I think), I get it in with sixes against Bob's QJ. A Jack on the flop cripples me, and I am forced to go with QJ a few hands later which is called by KQ. IGHN.
The eventual winner was Galaxy, and three handed play (top three paid) lasted about 8 hands, as the blinds went crazy near the end because the final 5 were playing no flop poker.
I set the camera to record the final table action and went over to the cash games. Loads of fun. A couple of Gal's friends are playing. They're real pleasant to talk to and willing to learn the game alongside some loud drunks. Play lasts about 3 hours while I am there, and besides losing to a 7-high flush draw on the first hand (thx mk), I chip up well. Norm's ruthless aggression gets him to about $500 from a $60 buyin. It was fun to win a little money, but it was even better to spend time with good people. Funk was particularly hilarious at the cash table, as he had an endless supply of beer and rebuys, and somehow was also in charge of the chips....."I'm not sure I have a pair" and "You're not going to make me look at my cards, are you" were common phrases.
We wrapped up about 3am, and a good time was had by all. Looking forward to editing the video of the event. I've been uploading the footage I got, and that plus the slew of pistures and the video taken by fish should result in a fun finished product.
Well, my 20 hours in Columbus was certainly a lot of fun. Here's my trip report, although the fine DBPoker folks have already covered most of the bases.
He won't acknowledge it, but Bob (my fellow Pittsburgh DB-er) talks so much that 4 hours in a car and a Ruby Tuesdays passes like nothing due to good conversation. Also, Bob is the dbtony of driving, as much like Tony bricking in Stud 8, every slow moving car on a freeway will pull in front of Bob.
We arrived at around 1:45, hung around the hotel for a while with MK in tow, and then headed off to dinner at Buca DiBeppo. The beer was flowing, as was some good food and loud chat. I'd hate to be anyone sitting near us....
I took lots of pictures which I will be putting up tonight most likely, and will probably add some to this post. Dinner was a great time, and it was nice to meet some new folks live.
Dinner attenders: Me, rjs162, PurposelessPlay, fishintimber, Maego, jjfunk, scottjf8, Leo1972, Galaxy500, mk, sage.
We then head over to Galaxy's house in a gated community. Very nice place, with a finished basement for the nights activities. Plenty of good beverages and a metric ton of Colonel Pops popcorn. Man that stuff is good.
We start the tourney 12-handed, as Chris is the only one of Gal's friends willing to put up for the tourney (several more would show to play cash later though).
2500 chips to start, 30 minute levels. I chip up early with Aces and turned quads against Kings. I then proceed to waffle between 4000 and 3000 chips for two hours because of card death plus Norm (PPlay) sitting to my left and loving him some reraise. Nevertheless, I make the final table with a decent stack.
Not much of note at the final table from me, I think I finished 6th or 7th. I had Jacks once and got some chips, and mostly I stole some blinds to keep alive depite not having much in the way of cards.
Finally, with blinds of 150/300 (I think), I get it in with sixes against Bob's QJ. A Jack on the flop cripples me, and I am forced to go with QJ a few hands later which is called by KQ. IGHN.
The eventual winner was Galaxy, and three handed play (top three paid) lasted about 8 hands, as the blinds went crazy near the end because the final 5 were playing no flop poker.
I set the camera to record the final table action and went over to the cash games. Loads of fun. A couple of Gal's friends are playing. They're real pleasant to talk to and willing to learn the game alongside some loud drunks. Play lasts about 3 hours while I am there, and besides losing to a 7-high flush draw on the first hand (thx mk), I chip up well. Norm's ruthless aggression gets him to about $500 from a $60 buyin. It was fun to win a little money, but it was even better to spend time with good people. Funk was particularly hilarious at the cash table, as he had an endless supply of beer and rebuys, and somehow was also in charge of the chips....."I'm not sure I have a pair" and "You're not going to make me look at my cards, are you" were common phrases.
We wrapped up about 3am, and a good time was had by all. Looking forward to editing the video of the event. I've been uploading the footage I got, and that plus the slew of pistures and the video taken by fish should result in a fun finished product.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Galaxy Home Game
Looking forward to a trip to Columbus to play in Galaxy's Home Game. Not as many dbs will appear at this game as at our AC and Foxwoods misadventures, but it should be quite fun nevertheless.
Because I used my birthday Best Buy cards to get my video editing system up and running in anticipation of having lots of videos of my children in the near future, I have been charged with videotaping the event and editing a final product.
I will certainly do a trip report here.
Because I used my birthday Best Buy cards to get my video editing system up and running in anticipation of having lots of videos of my children in the near future, I have been charged with videotaping the event and editing a final product.
I will certainly do a trip report here.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Live Game Fun
I have not played much poker lately, so I have not posted too much. My wife can feel the babies moving now, and that's awesome fun to know. I can't wait until I can.
Looking forward to spending some time with the DB Poker crew in early December -- we're invading a comrade's "home game" in Columbus. Should be a good time.
I played live on Friday and booked a pretty good night.
I played a warm-up SNG and busted early, then played another and got my money back. Then I played a third one (they started way late) and chopped it three ways. After paying for the survivor pool (a decent investment because 35 people sign up and it invariably gets chopped at around 5 so if you make last 4 tables or so you're getting some good cash) and the main event, I am stuck only a little on the night. That's fun. I went with Bob (rjs162) and rather than swap percentage, we do a "safety" (cash for more than twice the buy-in pays the other their buy-in back).
In an online tournament, other than a rebuy, I am looking to stay patient for the first 5-6 levels or so, and get my money in good because someone will inevitably pay me off with a shitty hand. I'll see cheap flops, but will only spend a certain portion of my starting stack speculating before I start hunkering down. This works well, and much of the time I will roll 1500 into 10k or so within the first two hours if I am not card dead. Then I have some chips to make reads and play power poker (whether I am doing that effectively is a question for another post)
I have a slightly different philosophy in these live "charity" tournaments, because of the structure. 5k in chips, 20 minutes levels live are like 5 or 10 minute levels online with 1k in chips. You don't have ANY time to wait for a good hand, so in these tournaments I think you have to go big or get to the cash game. So I will see a lot more flops, and go with my reads (wrong or right). If that means in the first hour people think I am a "donkey," all the better later. There are 178 runners, so getting paid off because of image could result in a big payday.
So that's how I find myself all in on about the fourth hand with nines on a 87710 board with two clubs. I had him on a flush draw (he overraised preflop which screams AK in these games and raised my flop bet in a way that shouted draw), and his turn push made me add maybe an overpair to the list of possible holdings, but the money in the pot was too attractive to turn down even if he showed me AA, because I had an OESD and may be ahead (this was not a pot odds calculation, but a determination that I had half my stack in at this point and I would rather go play the cash game than fold and nurse a short stack).
Bad read -- he had J7 and was blind stealing (at 25/50 level, blind stealing is stupid but nevertheless) then hit his gin flop. Instead of 10 outs to beat him I had 6. Thanks 9 on the river. Boy was he mad, and I don't blame him. I did not have time to explain my "go big or go home" philosophy to him nor would he have listened.
However, as is often the case, a suckout on my part leads to a ridiculous rush. I call an open push of 8BBs with A8 because I know the player would have not pushed with a big pair and it holds up against KQ. Queens hold up. Jacks hit a set. I call a shorties' all in with tens, the other player gets called for a string raise of his last 1800 (not by me, I will never call a string unless it's ridiculous) and has to wait for the flop, where I hit my ten against his Aces and the shorties' King, and on and on until I am at 35K before the first break.
Then this hand happened. I don't think it plays much differently, but I always appreciate thoughts. Blinds 400/800, I am in late position with Queens. 1 limper, it folds to me, I make it 3000. OOP limper calls. about 7200 in the pot. Flop comes 10 10 7 rainbow, check, I bet 6000, he calls. He has 8500 behind. Turn is a deuce, he checks, I put him all in. He calls with A10, and i don't hit my two outer. Down to 17k. I know I could play that differently, but don't we get to the same place? I don't see how I could fold in that spot given the stack sizes. It's not like his Ace hit -- then I might get away, but I would appreciate any thoughts.
We go on break, I put on my IPod and refocus for a couple of minutes. I grind for a while but am able to chip up to 30K without having to risk too much, and we chop the survivor pool in the meantime. However, the blinds are now at "go pay us some rake, dammit" level, which means that I approach and then dip below 10BBs. But I am able to steal for my survival for a while, and then double up a couple of times until a flush draw calls me all in with my pair (nines again lol) and hits.
I am crippled again (about 20k), but win a couple of 60/40s (one as the 60, one as the 40) and get it up to 90k. I have to fold on a flop to a BB special (I was 100% positive I was behind with my top pair and in retrospect should not have bet the flop), and make the final table of 11 (they paid 15) with 50k and the blinds at 5k/10k. Obviously I push my first decent hand A10, which runs into Queens and IGH in 11th for 200, 20 for the dealers. So, after paying Bob his safety and paying $10 for the sucker bet 50/50 raffle, I end up up on the night. As always, a piece goes to my wife for a massage.
It was fun to play again, and even more fun to play well (obviously I made mistakes, but I was reading well and not playing too crazy). The money was gravy.
Speaking of gravy, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Looking forward to spending some time with the DB Poker crew in early December -- we're invading a comrade's "home game" in Columbus. Should be a good time.
I played live on Friday and booked a pretty good night.
I played a warm-up SNG and busted early, then played another and got my money back. Then I played a third one (they started way late) and chopped it three ways. After paying for the survivor pool (a decent investment because 35 people sign up and it invariably gets chopped at around 5 so if you make last 4 tables or so you're getting some good cash) and the main event, I am stuck only a little on the night. That's fun. I went with Bob (rjs162) and rather than swap percentage, we do a "safety" (cash for more than twice the buy-in pays the other their buy-in back).
In an online tournament, other than a rebuy, I am looking to stay patient for the first 5-6 levels or so, and get my money in good because someone will inevitably pay me off with a shitty hand. I'll see cheap flops, but will only spend a certain portion of my starting stack speculating before I start hunkering down. This works well, and much of the time I will roll 1500 into 10k or so within the first two hours if I am not card dead. Then I have some chips to make reads and play power poker (whether I am doing that effectively is a question for another post)
I have a slightly different philosophy in these live "charity" tournaments, because of the structure. 5k in chips, 20 minutes levels live are like 5 or 10 minute levels online with 1k in chips. You don't have ANY time to wait for a good hand, so in these tournaments I think you have to go big or get to the cash game. So I will see a lot more flops, and go with my reads (wrong or right). If that means in the first hour people think I am a "donkey," all the better later. There are 178 runners, so getting paid off because of image could result in a big payday.
So that's how I find myself all in on about the fourth hand with nines on a 87710 board with two clubs. I had him on a flush draw (he overraised preflop which screams AK in these games and raised my flop bet in a way that shouted draw), and his turn push made me add maybe an overpair to the list of possible holdings, but the money in the pot was too attractive to turn down even if he showed me AA, because I had an OESD and may be ahead (this was not a pot odds calculation, but a determination that I had half my stack in at this point and I would rather go play the cash game than fold and nurse a short stack).
Bad read -- he had J7 and was blind stealing (at 25/50 level, blind stealing is stupid but nevertheless) then hit his gin flop. Instead of 10 outs to beat him I had 6. Thanks 9 on the river. Boy was he mad, and I don't blame him. I did not have time to explain my "go big or go home" philosophy to him nor would he have listened.
However, as is often the case, a suckout on my part leads to a ridiculous rush. I call an open push of 8BBs with A8 because I know the player would have not pushed with a big pair and it holds up against KQ. Queens hold up. Jacks hit a set. I call a shorties' all in with tens, the other player gets called for a string raise of his last 1800 (not by me, I will never call a string unless it's ridiculous) and has to wait for the flop, where I hit my ten against his Aces and the shorties' King, and on and on until I am at 35K before the first break.
Then this hand happened. I don't think it plays much differently, but I always appreciate thoughts. Blinds 400/800, I am in late position with Queens. 1 limper, it folds to me, I make it 3000. OOP limper calls. about 7200 in the pot. Flop comes 10 10 7 rainbow, check, I bet 6000, he calls. He has 8500 behind. Turn is a deuce, he checks, I put him all in. He calls with A10, and i don't hit my two outer. Down to 17k. I know I could play that differently, but don't we get to the same place? I don't see how I could fold in that spot given the stack sizes. It's not like his Ace hit -- then I might get away, but I would appreciate any thoughts.
We go on break, I put on my IPod and refocus for a couple of minutes. I grind for a while but am able to chip up to 30K without having to risk too much, and we chop the survivor pool in the meantime. However, the blinds are now at "go pay us some rake, dammit" level, which means that I approach and then dip below 10BBs. But I am able to steal for my survival for a while, and then double up a couple of times until a flush draw calls me all in with my pair (nines again lol) and hits.
I am crippled again (about 20k), but win a couple of 60/40s (one as the 60, one as the 40) and get it up to 90k. I have to fold on a flop to a BB special (I was 100% positive I was behind with my top pair and in retrospect should not have bet the flop), and make the final table of 11 (they paid 15) with 50k and the blinds at 5k/10k. Obviously I push my first decent hand A10, which runs into Queens and IGH in 11th for 200, 20 for the dealers. So, after paying Bob his safety and paying $10 for the sucker bet 50/50 raffle, I end up up on the night. As always, a piece goes to my wife for a massage.
It was fun to play again, and even more fun to play well (obviously I made mistakes, but I was reading well and not playing too crazy). The money was gravy.
Speaking of gravy, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 03, 2006
1/2 is definitely the way to earn my bonuses, but I think I have been doing it at the wrong places.
When I am grinding, I get bored, so I tend to play the specialty games -- O8, HORSE, etc. However, I think that I need to get back to LHE. I sat down for a while last night, and if it weren't for soemone chasing a gutshot the whole way against my Aces, I would have doubled up in twenty minutes instead of cashing out for 1.5 buyins. It's like wiffle ball, as they say in Rounders.
Meanwhile, the HORSE games are now populated by three groups of people:
1. The solid regulars
2. The tilting whiners who think they are good
3. The fish.
The fish pool is shrinking and shrinking. Although you can make good money off the tilty whiners, it's not worth the headaches. LHE it is.
Looking forward to my anniversary trip this weekend. See you all next week.
When I am grinding, I get bored, so I tend to play the specialty games -- O8, HORSE, etc. However, I think that I need to get back to LHE. I sat down for a while last night, and if it weren't for soemone chasing a gutshot the whole way against my Aces, I would have doubled up in twenty minutes instead of cashing out for 1.5 buyins. It's like wiffle ball, as they say in Rounders.
Meanwhile, the HORSE games are now populated by three groups of people:
1. The solid regulars
2. The tilting whiners who think they are good
3. The fish.
The fish pool is shrinking and shrinking. Although you can make good money off the tilty whiners, it's not worth the headaches. LHE it is.
Looking forward to my anniversary trip this weekend. See you all next week.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Well, I Need to Start Posting Again
But I have not had much to report. Cash games are going OK, and I keep getting close in tourneys but have not broken through in a few weeks.
I think my game is almost there. I still need to stop and think more, but my reads are improving a ton. I have been real happy with some of my calls and some of my raises in the past couple of weeks -- I've been picking off continuation bets and bluffs pretty well. That's a nice zone to be in.
We're going away this weekend, and it will be great. Krissy is 12 weeks along, and she could use some relaxation out of town. So far everything is great.
I think my game is almost there. I still need to stop and think more, but my reads are improving a ton. I have been real happy with some of my calls and some of my raises in the past couple of weeks -- I've been picking off continuation bets and bluffs pretty well. That's a nice zone to be in.
We're going away this weekend, and it will be great. Krissy is 12 weeks along, and she could use some relaxation out of town. So far everything is great.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
This was Fun
PokerStars Game #6697539103: HOSE (7 Card Stud Hi/Lo Limit, $1/$2) - 2006/10/19 - 23:42:22 (ET)
Table 'Canopus' 8-max
Seat 1: dtxray (29 in chips)
Seat 2: firstlassie (57 in chips)
Seat 3: DWDuck2 (51 in chips)
Seat 4: twistedspeed (24 in chips)
Seat 5: Jekka1000 (40 in chips)
Seat 6: drager13 (40 in chips)
Seat 7: Gydyon (39 in chips)
Seat 8: dorian0006 (11 in chips)
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac]
Dealt to DWDuck2 [5h]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d]
Dealt to Jekka1000 [3d]
Dealt to drager13 [3s]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h]
Dealt to dorian0006 [Ks]
twistedspeed: brings-in low 0.50
Jekka1000: calls 0.50
drager13: calls 0.50
Gydyon: raises 0.50 to 1
dorian0006: folds
dtxray: calls 1
firstlassie: raises 1 to 2
DWDuck2: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 1.50
Jekka1000: folds
drager13: calls 1.50
Gydyon: raises 1 to 3
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: raises 1 to 4
Betting is capped
DWDuck2: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: calls 1
dtxray: calls 1
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts] [4h]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac] [Jc]
Dealt to DWDuck2 [5h] [9s]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d] [Ah]
Dealt to drager13 [3s] [Js]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h] [2s]
firstlassie: bets 1
DWDuck2: calls 1
twistedspeed: calls 1
drager13: calls 1
Gydyon: raises 1 to 2
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: raises 1 to 3
DWDuck2: folds
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 1 to 4
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: calls 1
twistedspeed: calls 1
drager13: calls 1
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts 4h] [Th]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac Jc] [9c]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d Ah] [6d]
Dealt to drager13 [3s Js] [5c]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s] [7d]
dtxray: checks
firstlassie: bets 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: calls 4
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: folds
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts 4h Th] [Tc]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac Jc 9c] [5s]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d Ah 6d] [Qh]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d] [4c]
dtxray: bets 2
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: raises 2 to 6
firstlassie: calls 4
twistedspeed: calls 4
Gydyon: raises 2 to 8
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
*** RIVER ***
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c] [Kd]
dtxray: bets 2
firstlassie: folds
twistedspeed: folds
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: raises 2 to 6
Gydyon: raises 2 to 8
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Gydyon: shows [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c Kd] (HI: four of a kind, Sevens)
dtxray: mucks hand
Jekka1000 said, "nh"
Gydyon collected 111 from pot
No low hand qualified
*** SUMMARY ***
Seat 1: dtxray mucked [6h 6c Ts 4h Th Tc 2c]
Seat 2: firstlassie folded on the River
Seat 3: DWDuck2 folded on the 4th Street
Seat 4: twistedspeed folded on the River
Seat 5: Jekka1000 folded on the 3rd Street
Seat 6: drager13 folded on the 5th Street
Seat 7: Gydyon showed [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c Kd] and won with HI: four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 8: dorian0006 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Table 'Canopus' 8-max
Seat 1: dtxray (29 in chips)
Seat 2: firstlassie (57 in chips)
Seat 3: DWDuck2 (51 in chips)
Seat 4: twistedspeed (24 in chips)
Seat 5: Jekka1000 (40 in chips)
Seat 6: drager13 (40 in chips)
Seat 7: Gydyon (39 in chips)
Seat 8: dorian0006 (11 in chips)
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac]
Dealt to DWDuck2 [5h]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d]
Dealt to Jekka1000 [3d]
Dealt to drager13 [3s]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h]
Dealt to dorian0006 [Ks]
twistedspeed: brings-in low 0.50
Jekka1000: calls 0.50
drager13: calls 0.50
Gydyon: raises 0.50 to 1
dorian0006: folds
dtxray: calls 1
firstlassie: raises 1 to 2
DWDuck2: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 1.50
Jekka1000: folds
drager13: calls 1.50
Gydyon: raises 1 to 3
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: raises 1 to 4
Betting is capped
DWDuck2: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: calls 1
dtxray: calls 1
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts] [4h]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac] [Jc]
Dealt to DWDuck2 [5h] [9s]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d] [Ah]
Dealt to drager13 [3s] [Js]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h] [2s]
firstlassie: bets 1
DWDuck2: calls 1
twistedspeed: calls 1
drager13: calls 1
Gydyon: raises 1 to 2
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: raises 1 to 3
DWDuck2: folds
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 1 to 4
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: calls 1
twistedspeed: calls 1
drager13: calls 1
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts 4h] [Th]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac Jc] [9c]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d Ah] [6d]
Dealt to drager13 [3s Js] [5c]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s] [7d]
dtxray: checks
firstlassie: bets 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: calls 4
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
drager13: folds
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to dtxray [Ts 4h Th] [Tc]
Dealt to firstlassie [Ac Jc 9c] [5s]
Dealt to twistedspeed [2d Ah 6d] [Qh]
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d] [4c]
dtxray: bets 2
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: raises 2 to 6
firstlassie: calls 4
twistedspeed: calls 4
Gydyon: raises 2 to 8
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
firstlassie: calls 2
twistedspeed: calls 2
*** RIVER ***
Dealt to Gydyon [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c] [Kd]
dtxray: bets 2
firstlassie: folds
twistedspeed: folds
Gydyon: raises 2 to 4
dtxray: raises 2 to 6
Gydyon: raises 2 to 8
Betting is capped
dtxray: calls 2
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Gydyon: shows [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c Kd] (HI: four of a kind, Sevens)
dtxray: mucks hand
Jekka1000 said, "nh"
Gydyon collected 111 from pot
No low hand qualified
*** SUMMARY ***
Seat 1: dtxray mucked [6h 6c Ts 4h Th Tc 2c]
Seat 2: firstlassie folded on the River
Seat 3: DWDuck2 folded on the 4th Street
Seat 4: twistedspeed folded on the River
Seat 5: Jekka1000 folded on the 3rd Street
Seat 6: drager13 folded on the 5th Street
Seat 7: Gydyon showed [7c 7s 7h 2s 7d 4c Kd] and won with HI: four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 8: dorian0006 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Monday, October 09, 2006
I've Been in Trial
So, as a result, I have failed to announce that we're having twins! Woooo!
My life has been calming down this week. Home for a couple of weeks and loving it. Cashed in my first MTT in a while -- FTP 10K -- was in top 40 most of the day, then got short and pushed 9 BBs with AJ into queens. Just felt nice to go deep.
My life has been calming down this week. Home for a couple of weeks and loving it. Cashed in my first MTT in a while -- FTP 10K -- was in top 40 most of the day, then got short and pushed 9 BBs with AJ into queens. Just felt nice to go deep.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Nothing to Report
Not much to blog about. Sorry I'm boring, but I obviously have a lot going on. I would be surprised to see updates more than weekly in the next couple of months.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
I went out and played yesterday and lost a bit of money.
1. I cannot play the SNGs before the tourney ever again, except maybe one just as a warmup. They are -EV because the structure sucks. This is now a rule.
2. I thought I played well, if a bit tight, during the tournament. Then I got short (9BB) and raise with sevens, and I got reraised all in (he had me outchipped by about 1k). Of course that's what I wanted, but I was surprised to see him roll over KQo. JJ1010 by the river and IGHN.
3. I played poorly in the cash game initially, then managed to scrape back to almost even. I hate 50BB capped buyins, but there was no bigger game going. First table way too loose for the cards I was getting, second table just right for my comeback.
1. I cannot play the SNGs before the tourney ever again, except maybe one just as a warmup. They are -EV because the structure sucks. This is now a rule.
2. I thought I played well, if a bit tight, during the tournament. Then I got short (9BB) and raise with sevens, and I got reraised all in (he had me outchipped by about 1k). Of course that's what I wanted, but I was surprised to see him roll over KQo. JJ1010 by the river and IGHN.
3. I played poorly in the cash game initially, then managed to scrape back to almost even. I hate 50BB capped buyins, but there was no bigger game going. First table way too loose for the cards I was getting, second table just right for my comeback.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Trial Prep=No Poker
Have not played since my cash game because I have been preparing for trial. Hope to play live or online this weekend, but not sure because I am awfully busy.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Bachelor Weekend Repost
My wife drove up to see her mom this weekend and to help here with a yard sale.
As an introvert, I enjoy some me time now and then to recharge, and as a poker player I enjoy a couple days to play without sacrificing time with my wife, but still it's no fun having my best friend absent.
Especially since the last couple of days I've been feeling pretty down. Not sure why.
HORSE is still crazy good. I can play in a tournament or two and still finish up 15 BB or more playing 1 or 2 tables for a couple of hours. I am sure it will end soon, but while it lasts it feels good to have some positive poker cash flow again. Also it was absolutely fabulous for clearing the last of my bonus.
Friday at Bob's was fun. Watched the game, broke even in the tourneys (played 2 for $5, finished second for $10 in one). Bob's a good guy, and i enjoyed seeing his new place. Hope we can get a home game rolling soon.
Saturday I broke about even in the single tables (chopped a couple), bounced out of the tourney in record time (should not have joined the survivor pool), and booked a win in the NL game.
To be frank I was not playing particularly well (I allowed a bit of "scared money" tighten me up a bit more than the table warranted), but managed to survive a very aggressive table with some well-timed semi-bluffs and hitting some hands.
Also, however, I never had AK or a pair higher than Jacks all night and still booked a win. It was funny -- no one respected a raise or a continuation bet -- we had one guy who would call any PF raise, flop, and turn bets with paint boards with his eights, then finally believe on the river and fold to a quarter-pot bet.
If only I had had a premium hand all night -- I would have been sitting on much more instead. Crazy game. I look forward to playing it again, because I think there's money to be made there. It used to be a capped game, but now that they have increased the buy-in it plays a little better.
As an introvert, I enjoy some me time now and then to recharge, and as a poker player I enjoy a couple days to play without sacrificing time with my wife, but still it's no fun having my best friend absent.
Especially since the last couple of days I've been feeling pretty down. Not sure why.
HORSE is still crazy good. I can play in a tournament or two and still finish up 15 BB or more playing 1 or 2 tables for a couple of hours. I am sure it will end soon, but while it lasts it feels good to have some positive poker cash flow again. Also it was absolutely fabulous for clearing the last of my bonus.
Friday at Bob's was fun. Watched the game, broke even in the tourneys (played 2 for $5, finished second for $10 in one). Bob's a good guy, and i enjoyed seeing his new place. Hope we can get a home game rolling soon.
Saturday I broke about even in the single tables (chopped a couple), bounced out of the tourney in record time (should not have joined the survivor pool), and booked a win in the NL game.
To be frank I was not playing particularly well (I allowed a bit of "scared money" tighten me up a bit more than the table warranted), but managed to survive a very aggressive table with some well-timed semi-bluffs and hitting some hands.
Also, however, I never had AK or a pair higher than Jacks all night and still booked a win. It was funny -- no one respected a raise or a continuation bet -- we had one guy who would call any PF raise, flop, and turn bets with paint boards with his eights, then finally believe on the river and fold to a quarter-pot bet.
If only I had had a premium hand all night -- I would have been sitting on much more instead. Crazy game. I look forward to playing it again, because I think there's money to be made there. It used to be a capped game, but now that they have increased the buy-in it plays a little better.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Bachelor Weekend
My wife is driving up to see her mom this weekend and to help here with a yard sale. Bachelor weekend ahoy.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Broken Record
I'm lacking tournament patience again. I have a good dose of aggression, but I can't seem to wait for cards in between my spurts of aggression.
Fortunately my HORSE play keeps me freerolling when I do play tournaments. SOFT
Fortunately my HORSE play keeps me freerolling when I do play tournaments. SOFT
Monday, August 21, 2006
All Right!
Well, looks like I may get back into the arena after all. I have been assigned to a trial in Philly starting with jury pick on September 7. Nice.
The binders to prep arrive tomorrow, and I could not be more excited.
The binders to prep arrive tomorrow, and I could not be more excited.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I Know I Say Stuff Like This A Lot
But holy crap get your ass to the HORSE tables at PS NOWWWWWWW
Or HOSE, they're sick soft too. Doubled my PS bankroll in two days at low stakes. Really.
Or HOSE, they're sick soft too. Doubled my PS bankroll in two days at low stakes. Really.
Friday, August 18, 2006
I wonder....
what kind of father I am going to make.
Some of you may know that my wife and I are trying to have a child. We've had a few hiccups on that front, but as I move towards fatherhood, I start to get nervous, even though no sticks have turned pink yet or anything.
I collect movie trailers on my IPod, and recently Pursuit of Happyness [sic] appeared. In it, Will Smith play a dad, whose kid says "you're a good papa." For whatever reason, that choked me up.
Poker is fun, law is rewarding, but I still wonder what fatherhood will do to my life, and how I will do.
I hope I will be someone my kids will look up to.
I hope I am someone they will be happy to continue in their lives after they grow up.
I hope I will be able to guide them into a good path for their life.
I hope that my flaws as a person won't reflect too poorly on them.
It's going to be cool. And scary. I can't wait.
Some of you may know that my wife and I are trying to have a child. We've had a few hiccups on that front, but as I move towards fatherhood, I start to get nervous, even though no sticks have turned pink yet or anything.
I collect movie trailers on my IPod, and recently Pursuit of Happyness [sic] appeared. In it, Will Smith play a dad, whose kid says "you're a good papa." For whatever reason, that choked me up.
Poker is fun, law is rewarding, but I still wonder what fatherhood will do to my life, and how I will do.
I hope I will be someone my kids will look up to.
I hope I am someone they will be happy to continue in their lives after they grow up.
I hope I will be able to guide them into a good path for their life.
I hope that my flaws as a person won't reflect too poorly on them.
It's going to be cool. And scary. I can't wait.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
WSOP Thoughts
I wonder if it's true that Jamie Gold tipped a million dollars or more.
If true, I also wonder why on earth he would do that.
I am a pretty generous person. I used ot wait tables, and as a result you're getting 20% post-tax, unless you peed in my food or something. I feel the same way about dealers, and make sure they get at least a buck a pot, more with bigger pots, and I often tip them on the way off the table, too. When I cash in a tourney I tip even if I made the bottom cash. It's just what I do.
However, considering 1) the amount of abuse Harrah's heaped upon the players as a result of taking enormous juice for the stated purpose of toking the players and 2) the likelihood that this tip might not see its way in full to those dealers, I don't think I would be quite so generous.
Would I tip? Probably, although some of the pros say they never will anymore. But look at it this way: typical casino tournament directors will tell you 3 to 5% is fair. 5% is 600K. So that's my ceiling on a $12M purse.
I know some would state that the dealers got screwed this year, and therefore they need the tip money. Hey, from all reports Harrah's was greedy as hell and dishonest with their dealer staff, and they were screwed. But although a few grand per dealer might take some of that sting way, I GUARANTEE that Harrah's will use this generosity as an excuse not to treat the dealers any better next year.
The best way for the dealers to improve their position, if such improvement is warranted, is to walk out en masse. Pulling even more money out of the prize pool really isn't going to solve much.
In an attempt to facilitate discussion here, I have enabled anyone to comment now, with a word verification feature to avoid spam. I hope this will go smoothly. I will be moderating comments, so if you have a personal issue of any sort with me, send me an e-mail first.
If true, I also wonder why on earth he would do that.
I am a pretty generous person. I used ot wait tables, and as a result you're getting 20% post-tax, unless you peed in my food or something. I feel the same way about dealers, and make sure they get at least a buck a pot, more with bigger pots, and I often tip them on the way off the table, too. When I cash in a tourney I tip even if I made the bottom cash. It's just what I do.
However, considering 1) the amount of abuse Harrah's heaped upon the players as a result of taking enormous juice for the stated purpose of toking the players and 2) the likelihood that this tip might not see its way in full to those dealers, I don't think I would be quite so generous.
Would I tip? Probably, although some of the pros say they never will anymore. But look at it this way: typical casino tournament directors will tell you 3 to 5% is fair. 5% is 600K. So that's my ceiling on a $12M purse.
I know some would state that the dealers got screwed this year, and therefore they need the tip money. Hey, from all reports Harrah's was greedy as hell and dishonest with their dealer staff, and they were screwed. But although a few grand per dealer might take some of that sting way, I GUARANTEE that Harrah's will use this generosity as an excuse not to treat the dealers any better next year.
The best way for the dealers to improve their position, if such improvement is warranted, is to walk out en masse. Pulling even more money out of the prize pool really isn't going to solve much.
In an attempt to facilitate discussion here, I have enabled anyone to comment now, with a word verification feature to avoid spam. I hope this will go smoothly. I will be moderating comments, so if you have a personal issue of any sort with me, send me an e-mail first.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Bad Rut, Bad Attitude
I am not playing well the past couple of weeks when I get time to play. The best examples of this are the WPTFSOP events I have been speaking about the last few weeks.
In the PLHE tourney last night, I chipped up a bit early, but then decided to call off half my stack with one pair against a solid player. Not a good idea.
I then got short and pushed with K 2, only to have the other shorty (who knows it's chip up or fold there so I am not faulting his play) call with 10 8 and hit an 8.
I wish I could say I am running bad, but in fact I am not focused and I am not playing well. I hope the tailspin will end soon.
The result is me being very down on myself, even though I am ahead of the game in this series with my cashes. The fact that I surrendered the WPTFSOP lead to the S/8 specialist with only a few tourneys left to play has me bummed. I may have closed myself out of the prize pool unless I do REALLY well in the other remaining events, as the players right behind me are pretty good, too. I'll have to hope to taunt Tony into tilt since he has no chat ;), play much better than I have been, and get insanely lucky. OK, maybe not.
In the PLHE tourney last night, I chipped up a bit early, but then decided to call off half my stack with one pair against a solid player. Not a good idea.
I then got short and pushed with K 2, only to have the other shorty (who knows it's chip up or fold there so I am not faulting his play) call with 10 8 and hit an 8.
I wish I could say I am running bad, but in fact I am not focused and I am not playing well. I hope the tailspin will end soon.
The result is me being very down on myself, even though I am ahead of the game in this series with my cashes. The fact that I surrendered the WPTFSOP lead to the S/8 specialist with only a few tourneys left to play has me bummed. I may have closed myself out of the prize pool unless I do REALLY well in the other remaining events, as the players right behind me are pretty good, too. I'll have to hope to taunt Tony into tilt since he has no chat ;), play much better than I have been, and get insanely lucky. OK, maybe not.
Friday, August 11, 2006
So I pay $25 for the DirecTV PPV of the WSOP Final Table. Unfortunately I had to be in court this morning, so I TIVO'd it and went to bed. What I did see was loads of fun though. Gordon is made for this kind of work. Chad and Gordon next year?
Anyway, I get up this morning and verify everything taped, and in fact I get to hear the winner's acceptance speech as I am getting ready. After I cook breakfast and say bye to my girl, I go to turn the TV off and notice the TIVO is at 69% instead of 50%. The stupid thing erased my $25 show.
Now I verified that DirecTV allows recording of its PPV events, so that's not the issue. It just ate it (this has been happening on occasion, but I deliberately hit "Keep").
Fortunately DirecTV does a "in case you missed some" thing with its purchases, so my buy bought me the replay, too, but how annying would it be to pay $25 to watch an hour of the WSOP?
Anyway, I get up this morning and verify everything taped, and in fact I get to hear the winner's acceptance speech as I am getting ready. After I cook breakfast and say bye to my girl, I go to turn the TV off and notice the TIVO is at 69% instead of 50%. The stupid thing erased my $25 show.
Now I verified that DirecTV allows recording of its PPV events, so that's not the issue. It just ate it (this has been happening on occasion, but I deliberately hit "Keep").
Fortunately DirecTV does a "in case you missed some" thing with its purchases, so my buy bought me the replay, too, but how annying would it be to pay $25 to watch an hour of the WSOP?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Insert Clever Title Here
Did not play good stud last night and also caught second-best hands twice. Straight versus boat and straight versus flush. Other than that, rarely even had a good pair. It was ugly. And I kept calling too much.
I'm just not that good at stud games. I can survive in Razz and Stud 8 because I have some basic rules down, but I have no edge in them and I am a dog to the field in stud. Odd that I have improved my game in the Omaha-based games so that I do have an edge but can't get a handle on these games.
Oh well, we'll continue to work on it. It's a process of course.
I'm just not that good at stud games. I can survive in Razz and Stud 8 because I have some basic rules down, but I have no edge in them and I am a dog to the field in stud. Odd that I have improved my game in the Omaha-based games so that I do have an edge but can't get a handle on these games.
Oh well, we'll continue to work on it. It's a process of course.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Got deep in the $8500 today, but could not get anything going after hitting an early chip lead. Made a bad call with tens versus jacks, and then had to push short with A9 and ran into tens and fives. Bubbles are fun.
My mid-game in big tournaments needs work. Maybe I get bored, but I just play badly after about an hour and a half in. Almost every time. I need to process how to do better in that stage. It's easily my biggest tournament weakness.
My mid-game in big tournaments needs work. Maybe I get bored, but I just play badly after about an hour and a half in. Almost every time. I need to process how to do better in that stage. It's easily my biggest tournament weakness.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Nothing much going on, still enjoying my break. My wife hadn't even noticed, but that's another story for another time.
Sad to discover most of my friends (and Mr. Raymer) are out of the Main Event. Happily Nordberg still has a good deal of chips. Good luck to him.
Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things this evening. Yee haw.
Sad to discover most of my friends (and Mr. Raymer) are out of the Main Event. Happily Nordberg still has a good deal of chips. Good luck to him.
Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things this evening. Yee haw.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Short Break
After my win last Monday in the WPTFanSOP O8 tournament and a 2d in the HORSE event Wednesday, I have played absolutely no poker of any kind. It's been a nice break actually.
As to HORSE, I think I played well, but I was very aggressive with my draws at the end with a player who was going to call me no matter what he had. I had been pretty aggressive and he decided he was going to call me down. I should have slowed down. Nothing wrong in principle with someone who wants to "keep you honest," but I personally think you need to have a hand of your own for this strategy to actually work in the long run.
For example, check calling with Ace High after a completion and catching two pair on the end, and check calling after a completion until 6th with a pair of twos with no other draws, only to catch a third two on the river and running down two pair does not seem +EV, but it was limit.
If any of my draws hit or my big hands hold, I win the thing walking and have an early lock on the SOP prize pool. Heck, if I didn't get raised on the flop on the last hand by the underpair to the board that could make me broke (it gave me two pair on the turn and my opponent gets his set), I am doubled up and ready to try to book the win. I ran in to the one play style that could bust me if I bricked and I should have adjusted.
I went away to my in-laws camp in the mountains this weekend. Had a good, relaxing time. I started to read Take Me to the River and it is an AWESOME read so far -- I may have to buy some of Alson's other books.
Also went through the first 5 problems in Harrington 3 and I am surprised that my tourney style is so similar to Harrington's. I really disagree with his refusal to reraise Farha in one of his problems as Negreanu when he flops the nut straight and Farha is obviously betting until he gets it, but that's because I would not want Farha betting his flush draw and getting there, which is what ends up happening. In this case HSP is invaluable, because it reinforced my earlier belief that Farha will bet it until he gets it, and then you'll pay him off because you can't believe he was betting with THAT.
Other than that, having fun learning about the game and not playing for a few days. Feeling refreshed. My plan is to continue my slow BR rebuild, and now that everyone's WSOP push is over, I plan to possibly sat into the USPC or maybe just the big Sunday tourneys.
By the way, before I forget, good luck to Nordberg (Peter Feldman) and Slart (Derek Scott) today in Day 1D. Good luck to all the other DBs still in the thing, including my boy Chris Minery (Mineryc/Inigo Montoya) and some other great people. I'm so impressed, keep up the fight.
As to HORSE, I think I played well, but I was very aggressive with my draws at the end with a player who was going to call me no matter what he had. I had been pretty aggressive and he decided he was going to call me down. I should have slowed down. Nothing wrong in principle with someone who wants to "keep you honest," but I personally think you need to have a hand of your own for this strategy to actually work in the long run.
For example, check calling with Ace High after a completion and catching two pair on the end, and check calling after a completion until 6th with a pair of twos with no other draws, only to catch a third two on the river and running down two pair does not seem +EV, but it was limit.
If any of my draws hit or my big hands hold, I win the thing walking and have an early lock on the SOP prize pool. Heck, if I didn't get raised on the flop on the last hand by the underpair to the board that could make me broke (it gave me two pair on the turn and my opponent gets his set), I am doubled up and ready to try to book the win. I ran in to the one play style that could bust me if I bricked and I should have adjusted.
I went away to my in-laws camp in the mountains this weekend. Had a good, relaxing time. I started to read Take Me to the River and it is an AWESOME read so far -- I may have to buy some of Alson's other books.
Also went through the first 5 problems in Harrington 3 and I am surprised that my tourney style is so similar to Harrington's. I really disagree with his refusal to reraise Farha in one of his problems as Negreanu when he flops the nut straight and Farha is obviously betting until he gets it, but that's because I would not want Farha betting his flush draw and getting there, which is what ends up happening. In this case HSP is invaluable, because it reinforced my earlier belief that Farha will bet it until he gets it, and then you'll pay him off because you can't believe he was betting with THAT.
Other than that, having fun learning about the game and not playing for a few days. Feeling refreshed. My plan is to continue my slow BR rebuild, and now that everyone's WSOP push is over, I plan to possibly sat into the USPC or maybe just the big Sunday tourneys.
By the way, before I forget, good luck to Nordberg (Peter Feldman) and Slart (Derek Scott) today in Day 1D. Good luck to all the other DBs still in the thing, including my boy Chris Minery (Mineryc/Inigo Montoya) and some other great people. I'm so impressed, keep up the fight.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Don't Semi-Bluff a Calling Station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
don't semi-bluff a calling station
But I Hate Full Tilt!
Man, I am getting almost Nord and Duque-esque in my blog update slowness.....
Truth is I have not had much to say. I have not played too much poker, but I did have a fun Monday that I was too tired to blog.
I try to be a nice guy at the table, and I tend to only razz those people that I think can take it. So sorry to anyone who does not realize that I rarely mean what I say -- if you could see my face you'd know I was joking.
This was the case in our biweekly WPTFanSOP tournament, Limit O8. When I play in a limit tournament, especially given the odd blind schedule of FTP and especially in games where others are not as familiar (like O8), my strategy is to play tight and only good starters, then get progressively more aggressive as the tournament progresses. So, naturally, I folded most of my hands in the first hour of O8. Only to see folks play some of the most atrocious hands, hands that were sometimes not even good high-only hands. So, in my usual spirit of talking like a fiend when playing with my friends I made fun of some of these hands. Sorry Steve, I target you sometimes because you're one of the best people I know and I figure you can take it.
However, I did manage to eke out some chips, and then my table broke and I went on a sick run. Ran myself up to 7K in chips playing aggressive and catching some cards. Made it to the final table, where I faced 1 big stack player who knows how to play every game, 2 or 3 players who had no clue but are good players in other games, 2 solid players with small stacks, and a couple others.
Fortunately I had a good run of cards to go with my aggressiveness (and one good read on a player I had position on), and I managed to get to heads up only slightly outchipped.
Then I went on a maniacal Gavin Smith-esque tear. I raised every time I had the opportunity to do so. Usually I had the cards or a draw to back it up, but even when I did not I raised anyway. This strategy worked out for me because I was playing a smart player who, even if he realized what I was doing, never had a hand to punch back with.
So, I am O8 king for a week or two. Bragging rights for five or ten minutes and some points towards the final prize pool. More importantly, I was happy to see I have a decent feel for a game I don't play that often. Still no expert by any means, but at least I am not studying the board to figure out if I won or why I lost....
Truth is I have not had much to say. I have not played too much poker, but I did have a fun Monday that I was too tired to blog.
I try to be a nice guy at the table, and I tend to only razz those people that I think can take it. So sorry to anyone who does not realize that I rarely mean what I say -- if you could see my face you'd know I was joking.
This was the case in our biweekly WPTFanSOP tournament, Limit O8. When I play in a limit tournament, especially given the odd blind schedule of FTP and especially in games where others are not as familiar (like O8), my strategy is to play tight and only good starters, then get progressively more aggressive as the tournament progresses. So, naturally, I folded most of my hands in the first hour of O8. Only to see folks play some of the most atrocious hands, hands that were sometimes not even good high-only hands. So, in my usual spirit of talking like a fiend when playing with my friends I made fun of some of these hands. Sorry Steve, I target you sometimes because you're one of the best people I know and I figure you can take it.
However, I did manage to eke out some chips, and then my table broke and I went on a sick run. Ran myself up to 7K in chips playing aggressive and catching some cards. Made it to the final table, where I faced 1 big stack player who knows how to play every game, 2 or 3 players who had no clue but are good players in other games, 2 solid players with small stacks, and a couple others.
Fortunately I had a good run of cards to go with my aggressiveness (and one good read on a player I had position on), and I managed to get to heads up only slightly outchipped.
Then I went on a maniacal Gavin Smith-esque tear. I raised every time I had the opportunity to do so. Usually I had the cards or a draw to back it up, but even when I did not I raised anyway. This strategy worked out for me because I was playing a smart player who, even if he realized what I was doing, never had a hand to punch back with.
So, I am O8 king for a week or two. Bragging rights for five or ten minutes and some points towards the final prize pool. More importantly, I was happy to see I have a decent feel for a game I don't play that often. Still no expert by any means, but at least I am not studying the board to figure out if I won or why I lost....
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Grind
Actually the current grind is work-related, not poker-related. GG job.
Played very little this week, but I have to say that low-limit PLO is a freaking gold mine. I am having a ball playing it on FTP -- really the only time I have been profitable on that site because I am not token chasing. I have run really well without really gettin gany amazing starters. Just bet your big hands and call small bets with your draws and it's automatic.
I have read that playing mixed games can improve your hold 'em game because it stimulates a good kind of creativity and keeps you focused on reads because board texture can matter so much more. I hope that's right.
Although the PLO has been fun, I must once again criticize FTP. Their structures for limit tournaments are preposterous. Perhaps it is simpler to use the same structure for all, but just because split pot tournaments can last forever does not mean that you should keep the structures for the other games so disgustingly fast. I lost two hands in Razz and was completely shortstacked. That's silly.
I am going to focus on cash games for a bit, I think. I have always known that they are a more solid money winner in the long run, but I enjoy tournaments more because they are suited to my game and because they can be exciting. However, I am not going to improve unless I play more cash games and different situations, so let's get to work. I will still satellite into the big tournaments and play small tourneys now and then, but I think it makes more sense to play cash.
Also, playing cash means I can sit out without consequence. Although we have been spending more time together lately, my wife may get a new job, and so our time together will be more precious. She's been pretty supportive over the past two years, and I don't want her to ever get the impression I would pick poker over her, because I never would.
OK, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I am spending a lot of time at parties and other stuff, so it should be fun.
Played very little this week, but I have to say that low-limit PLO is a freaking gold mine. I am having a ball playing it on FTP -- really the only time I have been profitable on that site because I am not token chasing. I have run really well without really gettin gany amazing starters. Just bet your big hands and call small bets with your draws and it's automatic.
I have read that playing mixed games can improve your hold 'em game because it stimulates a good kind of creativity and keeps you focused on reads because board texture can matter so much more. I hope that's right.
Although the PLO has been fun, I must once again criticize FTP. Their structures for limit tournaments are preposterous. Perhaps it is simpler to use the same structure for all, but just because split pot tournaments can last forever does not mean that you should keep the structures for the other games so disgustingly fast. I lost two hands in Razz and was completely shortstacked. That's silly.
I am going to focus on cash games for a bit, I think. I have always known that they are a more solid money winner in the long run, but I enjoy tournaments more because they are suited to my game and because they can be exciting. However, I am not going to improve unless I play more cash games and different situations, so let's get to work. I will still satellite into the big tournaments and play small tourneys now and then, but I think it makes more sense to play cash.
Also, playing cash means I can sit out without consequence. Although we have been spending more time together lately, my wife may get a new job, and so our time together will be more precious. She's been pretty supportive over the past two years, and I don't want her to ever get the impression I would pick poker over her, because I never would.
OK, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I am spending a lot of time at parties and other stuff, so it should be fun.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Law and Poker COLLIDE
Very interesting:
I decided it was in my interest as a lawyer and a poker player to attend today's conference call rgearding the suit, which was publicly noticed on numerous websites. I did not identify myself or ask any questions because I did not want to step on the toes of any of the full media members present.
This is a very interesting development I am still mulling over, and may create some serious waves in the poker community.
I do not take issue with the filing of a suit against WPTE over their craptastic releases.
I have two issues right now, and once I read the complaint one may be less pressing.
First, I think any good lawyer should better prepare his clients for a national press conference. Annie Duke sounded like a moron, and bitched about blind structures and TV production values in the context of a major piece of civil litigation. It was stupid and Kessler should never have let her talk.
Second, I practice a bit of antitrust law (less now than previously, but still a significant portion of what I do), and the idea of an antitrust suit does not sit well with me intellectually. Antitrust suits generally center around anticompetitive actions taken in a defined relevant market. At this point, I don't see how the relevant market does not include the WSOP and other televised events, where most of these players have enjoyed enormous success. I don't see how the WPTE's actions, unfair as they are, can be anticompetitive in a relevant market given the wealth of other opportunities.
For example, Andy's recent finish in the HORSE event and everyone else's relatively unfettered success makes it unclear how they are being deprived of the ability to pursue their profession. Certainly they can or can't play WPT events, but there seems to be other avenues a plenty -- many of us complain about there being too much poker on TV, right?
Again, this seems more of an employment/contract issue to me, and it sucks and the WPT should be made to stop. However, under my current thought process, I can't conceive of it as an antitrust case. Admittedly I have not gotten my hands on the complaint yet and certainly the folks at Dewey Ballantine have been doing antitrust far longer than I have.
OK, I have now read the Complaint. First and foremost, they do have interference with contract and other contract-based claims in there, so that alleviates my concern that they weren't focusing on the contract issues. Nice hand folks.
Second, I have pored through the antitrust side, and they define the market in a way that I had not initially considered -- "elite professional poker players". If that definition could hold, I think they could make some headway with this. They also sued WPTE only, although they do refer to the member casinos as "Conspiring Casinos" throughout.
Given the fact that anyone can plunk down $10K and play, I wonder if that definition can hold up. I think a court may be swayed by an antitrust lawyer (and I know who I would hire if I was WPTE, but they may have someone else in mind) for the defense that the proper market is "participants in televised tournaments," which would restrict the antitrust claims considerably. However, I think the release issues still win the day here.
Seven Top Poker Players File Antitrust Lawsuit Against The World Poker Tour
Players Sue to Enjoin WPTE’s Illegal Business Practices and Seek Damages for WPTE’s Wrongful Conduct
Las Vegas, July 19, 2006 -- Today, seven of the world’s top poker players filed an antitrust Complaint against WPT Enterprises, Inc. (“WPTE”) in federal district court in Los Angeles. By this lawsuit, Plaintiffs Chris Ferguson, Andrew Bloch, Annie Duke, Phil Gordon, Joseph Hachem, Howard Lederer, and Greg Raymer seek to enjoin – and seek treble and punitive damages for – WPTE’s continuing violations of federal and state antitrust laws.
WPTE operates the World Poker Tour (“WPT”), a series of televised, high stakes poker tournaments that are run by various casinos located throughout the United States and in parts of Canada and Europe.
The Complaint alleges that WPTE and the casinos have unlawfully conspired to eliminate competition for the services and intellectual property rights of top, high stakes professional poker players. In particular, the Complaint alleges that the casinos have agreed with WPTE that they will not host any non-WPT televised poker tournaments. The Complaint also alleges that WPTE and the casinos have conspired to fix the price and other terms and conditions under which Plaintiffs and other professional poker players are forced to give up their valuable services and intellectual property rights in order to participate in WPT tournaments.
Plaintiff Chris Ferguson stated as follows: “WPTE has stacked the deck against all poker players who wish to compete in its tournaments. They are using our names and images to sell their products without our prior consent and without any compensation. We cannot let these wrongful actions stand. We will prosecute this lawsuit for as long as it takes to change WPTE’s unlawful ways.”
Plaintiff Annie Duke stated that: “We are bringing this action to change the way WPTE treats players. Our goal is not just to win for ourselves, but to set a precedent so that all players can be dealt a fair hand.”
Plaintiffs are represented by the law firm of Dewey Ballantine LLP, whose lead counsel, Jeffrey Kessler, has successfully represented NFL, NBA, and other players in similar antitrust suits. Mr. Kessler stated the following: “It is now well established that the antitrust laws protect professional athletes and other players when agreements are entered into that restrain competition for their services. This is as true for the business of professional poker tournaments as it is for professional football, basketball, and other sports. Professional poker players are entitled to a free market for their services, which will also benefit consumers since the result will be more and higher quality poker tournaments.”
Plaintiff Greg Raymer stated that: “Our success in this lawsuit will benefit all current and future poker players. I am proud to be part of it.”
Plaintiffs are seven of the most widely recognized and successful professional poker players in the world. Plaintiffs Howard Lederer and Phil Gordon, for example, are two poker superstars who have won three WPT tournaments between them. Plaintiff Chris Ferguson, perhaps the most widely recognized poker player in the world, and Plaintiffs Joseph Hachem and Greg Raymer, have each won the World Series of Poker (“WSOP”) Main Event. Plaintiff Annie Duke has also won a WSOP event, and is regarded as the best and most accomplished female professional poker player in the history of poker. Plaintiff Andrew Bloch has two WPT “Final Table” appearances.
I decided it was in my interest as a lawyer and a poker player to attend today's conference call rgearding the suit, which was publicly noticed on numerous websites. I did not identify myself or ask any questions because I did not want to step on the toes of any of the full media members present.
This is a very interesting development I am still mulling over, and may create some serious waves in the poker community.
I do not take issue with the filing of a suit against WPTE over their craptastic releases.
I have two issues right now, and once I read the complaint one may be less pressing.
First, I think any good lawyer should better prepare his clients for a national press conference. Annie Duke sounded like a moron, and bitched about blind structures and TV production values in the context of a major piece of civil litigation. It was stupid and Kessler should never have let her talk.
Second, I practice a bit of antitrust law (less now than previously, but still a significant portion of what I do), and the idea of an antitrust suit does not sit well with me intellectually. Antitrust suits generally center around anticompetitive actions taken in a defined relevant market. At this point, I don't see how the relevant market does not include the WSOP and other televised events, where most of these players have enjoyed enormous success. I don't see how the WPTE's actions, unfair as they are, can be anticompetitive in a relevant market given the wealth of other opportunities.
For example, Andy's recent finish in the HORSE event and everyone else's relatively unfettered success makes it unclear how they are being deprived of the ability to pursue their profession. Certainly they can or can't play WPT events, but there seems to be other avenues a plenty -- many of us complain about there being too much poker on TV, right?
Again, this seems more of an employment/contract issue to me, and it sucks and the WPT should be made to stop. However, under my current thought process, I can't conceive of it as an antitrust case. Admittedly I have not gotten my hands on the complaint yet and certainly the folks at Dewey Ballantine have been doing antitrust far longer than I have.
OK, I have now read the Complaint. First and foremost, they do have interference with contract and other contract-based claims in there, so that alleviates my concern that they weren't focusing on the contract issues. Nice hand folks.
Second, I have pored through the antitrust side, and they define the market in a way that I had not initially considered -- "elite professional poker players". If that definition could hold, I think they could make some headway with this. They also sued WPTE only, although they do refer to the member casinos as "Conspiring Casinos" throughout.
Given the fact that anyone can plunk down $10K and play, I wonder if that definition can hold up. I think a court may be swayed by an antitrust lawyer (and I know who I would hire if I was WPTE, but they may have someone else in mind) for the defense that the proper market is "participants in televised tournaments," which would restrict the antitrust claims considerably. However, I think the release issues still win the day here.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Many congratulations to my boy Derek(Slart) who won his ME seat on Sunday.
That makes about 10 people I post with or play with in the ME this year. Pretty awesome. Good luck to everyone!
That makes about 10 people I post with or play with in the ME this year. Pretty awesome. Good luck to everyone!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
WSOP Attempt Live Blog
7:11 -- Out 2555th. 10 10 no good against A 10. Of course.
Well, I now know the play is just as atrocious here as it is everywhere else (including my own -- I don't have the game I think I do), and that I can't win a race or even a 70/30 when it counts. Far less satisfying than I hoped.
6:40 -- I survive my first all-in confrontation of many and have 3300 at the break.
Stack: largest 30490, smallest 90, average 5765
Your current position is 2264 out of 3199
Time bank balance is 180 seconds
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 135 hands and saw flop:
- 11 out of 15 times while in big blind (73%)
- 8 out of 15 times while in small blind (53%)
- 14 out of 105 times in other positions (13%)
- a total of 33 out of 135 (24%)
Pots won at showdown - 6 of 10 (60%)
Pots won without showdown - 11
6:30 -- I'm a moron. I CB into the limp-caller, who of course has a weak Ace and can re-pop me. Down to less than starting stack. I am a moron.
6:20 -- kind of boring right now. Everyone has decided to play back now. Steals are at 50%, and still no good cards. I could use a big pair to get some chips flowing my way. 4300.
5:46 -- CRAP. Just got milked in a hand I should not have been in. Again, I need to stop bluffing into idiots who "value bet" and "value call" with Ace high.
5:35 -- 5300 at the break. Still waiting for my first premium hand.
Stack: largest 17770, smallest 115, average 3087
Your current position is 539 out of 5974
Time bank balance is 180 seconds
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 62 hands and saw flop:
- 6 out of 7 times while in big blind (85%)
- 6 out of 7 times while in small blind (85%)
- 9 out of 48 times in other positions (18%)
- a total of 21 out of 62 (33%)
Pots won at showdown - 3 of 5 (60%)
Pots won without showdown - 8
I have one guy on my right who is relatively short but feels it is his civic duty to call with marginal hands on the river "just to see". I would figure Negraneu would have better things to do today, but maybe not.
5:22 -- 5600, had to fold a couple of flops.
5:08 -- 6100, I love my numbers so far.
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 41 hands and saw flop:
- 4 out of 5 times while in big blind (80%)
- 4 out of 4 times while in small blind (100%)
- 6 out of 32 times in other positions (18%)
- a total of 14 out of 41 (34%)
Pots won at showdown - 3 of 4 (75%)
Pots won without showdown - 7
4:57 -- 5700 -- Flush over flush. Thank God he was a LAG so I could call the turn bet.
4:43 -- 3800 -- check the turn with top pair next time -- he's slowplaying you!
4:37 -- already at 4500. Gavin is right when he says you just need to flop the nuts.
4:33 -- TWO HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR SEATS. Up to 3200 already on what I thought was a river bluff but he may have had AK.
4:29 -- I should remember my two rules: 1. I can't win a race. Ever. 2. If shortstacked, my AK will run into AA. Always.
Out of the FTP sat in 35th. 18 pay. GL to all those playing in that one.
4:15 -- whoops, raised and pushed a flush draw on the flop into the guy who already had the flush. Fortunately I double up on the next hand -- 7500.
4:12 -- A4 pushes into my AQ -- 9k+, should be able to coast from here pretty well.
4:07 Two straight pushes over a small raise fail to get called. up to 5300.
4:03 -- PS might hit 7k seats. WOW.
3:54 -- doubled up in sat (Jacks versus AK) -- need two more doubleups to make it in. No overlay in this one either, good job to both sites.
3:45 -- I hate having a good read. In the FTP sat, I call a push from a shortie knowing he's just trying to get the limps and blinds. KQo>A7s. Still have chips, but the blinds are catching up. Push or fold.
3:30 -- Wow. Over 2k seats filled in 24 hours. No overlay here. 1 in 31.5 it is. Impressive how PS manages to get their stuff together and fill up. They may get to 200 seats in the next hour.
Also, my plan has changed slightly. I had a good run at PLO and am in a turbo to the FTP tourney as well. Let's see how we do.
Well, I now know the play is just as atrocious here as it is everywhere else (including my own -- I don't have the game I think I do), and that I can't win a race or even a 70/30 when it counts. Far less satisfying than I hoped.
6:40 -- I survive my first all-in confrontation of many and have 3300 at the break.
Stack: largest 30490, smallest 90, average 5765
Your current position is 2264 out of 3199
Time bank balance is 180 seconds
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 135 hands and saw flop:
- 11 out of 15 times while in big blind (73%)
- 8 out of 15 times while in small blind (53%)
- 14 out of 105 times in other positions (13%)
- a total of 33 out of 135 (24%)
Pots won at showdown - 6 of 10 (60%)
Pots won without showdown - 11
6:30 -- I'm a moron. I CB into the limp-caller, who of course has a weak Ace and can re-pop me. Down to less than starting stack. I am a moron.
6:20 -- kind of boring right now. Everyone has decided to play back now. Steals are at 50%, and still no good cards. I could use a big pair to get some chips flowing my way. 4300.
5:46 -- CRAP. Just got milked in a hand I should not have been in. Again, I need to stop bluffing into idiots who "value bet" and "value call" with Ace high.
5:35 -- 5300 at the break. Still waiting for my first premium hand.
Stack: largest 17770, smallest 115, average 3087
Your current position is 539 out of 5974
Time bank balance is 180 seconds
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 62 hands and saw flop:
- 6 out of 7 times while in big blind (85%)
- 6 out of 7 times while in small blind (85%)
- 9 out of 48 times in other positions (18%)
- a total of 21 out of 62 (33%)
Pots won at showdown - 3 of 5 (60%)
Pots won without showdown - 8
I have one guy on my right who is relatively short but feels it is his civic duty to call with marginal hands on the river "just to see". I would figure Negraneu would have better things to do today, but maybe not.
5:22 -- 5600, had to fold a couple of flops.
5:08 -- 6100, I love my numbers so far.
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 41 hands and saw flop:
- 4 out of 5 times while in big blind (80%)
- 4 out of 4 times while in small blind (100%)
- 6 out of 32 times in other positions (18%)
- a total of 14 out of 41 (34%)
Pots won at showdown - 3 of 4 (75%)
Pots won without showdown - 7
4:57 -- 5700 -- Flush over flush. Thank God he was a LAG so I could call the turn bet.
4:43 -- 3800 -- check the turn with top pair next time -- he's slowplaying you!
4:37 -- already at 4500. Gavin is right when he says you just need to flop the nuts.
4:33 -- TWO HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR SEATS. Up to 3200 already on what I thought was a river bluff but he may have had AK.
4:29 -- I should remember my two rules: 1. I can't win a race. Ever. 2. If shortstacked, my AK will run into AA. Always.
Out of the FTP sat in 35th. 18 pay. GL to all those playing in that one.
4:15 -- whoops, raised and pushed a flush draw on the flop into the guy who already had the flush. Fortunately I double up on the next hand -- 7500.
4:12 -- A4 pushes into my AQ -- 9k+, should be able to coast from here pretty well.
4:07 Two straight pushes over a small raise fail to get called. up to 5300.
4:03 -- PS might hit 7k seats. WOW.
3:54 -- doubled up in sat (Jacks versus AK) -- need two more doubleups to make it in. No overlay in this one either, good job to both sites.
3:45 -- I hate having a good read. In the FTP sat, I call a push from a shortie knowing he's just trying to get the limps and blinds. KQo>A7s. Still have chips, but the blinds are catching up. Push or fold.
3:30 -- Wow. Over 2k seats filled in 24 hours. No overlay here. 1 in 31.5 it is. Impressive how PS manages to get their stuff together and fill up. They may get to 200 seats in the next hour.
Also, my plan has changed slightly. I had a good run at PLO and am in a turbo to the FTP tourney as well. Let's see how we do.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Well, Tomorrow Has to Be Better
Tomorrow's WSOP try has to go better than the rest of my weekend of poker.
Bounced early in Thursday's live tourney, and I wrote about the rest of that night.
Get stuck early in the cash game Friday night and the two winners leave just as I am starting to play great. I make some of my losses back but there's not enough on the table to get it all back.
Then Saturday I lose in the weekly tourney in less than an hour after my set of Jacks are no good against the mighty Ace Deuce Off. Sigh.
Seriously, that was a brutal few days.
My plan is to play the 150 Seat and only the 150 Seat from 4:30 on and live blog it. Not sure how many people read this frequently enough to tune in or who even cares all that much, but I will post here and on DBPoker.
I am a praying man much of the time, but would it be bad to pray about this? I just think it would be neat to get in. What an amazing experience it would be.
OK, that's all. My quest is over, good luck to those still trying to qualify.
Bounced early in Thursday's live tourney, and I wrote about the rest of that night.
Get stuck early in the cash game Friday night and the two winners leave just as I am starting to play great. I make some of my losses back but there's not enough on the table to get it all back.
Then Saturday I lose in the weekly tourney in less than an hour after my set of Jacks are no good against the mighty Ace Deuce Off. Sigh.
Seriously, that was a brutal few days.
My plan is to play the 150 Seat and only the 150 Seat from 4:30 on and live blog it. Not sure how many people read this frequently enough to tune in or who even cares all that much, but I will post here and on DBPoker.
I am a praying man much of the time, but would it be bad to pray about this? I just think it would be neat to get in. What an amazing experience it would be.
OK, that's all. My quest is over, good luck to those still trying to qualify.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Got tilt?
First I get it all in in a PLO and get called all in by a donkey with 8 outs and no redraws. Of course he catches.
Then I am in the FTP 20K, and get myself to top 10 in chips with 250 left. I don't even make the bubble because of the following sequence of events:
I get limp-reraised (for 600 more than my raise) with KQ and he catches two pair on me (AK). Brilliant move soldier.
Getting whittled down a bit more, I pick up AJ in position, raise, and CB a raggy flop. The push over the top is less than my flop bet and I am pot-committed, so I call. He rolls over Kings.
Fine by me, but then he has the lack of class to type "ty" into the chat box in that smarmy way people do when they think you screwed up and donated to them (and no, no one had typed "nh" or anything like that, he was just being a jerk). Hey, good hand, way to go, you must be a genuis for smooth-calling in position against a guy who has you outchipped without being drawn out on. But show some class and respect. I was, again, less than charitable to this assbag, and he was too stupid to acknowledge his foolishness.
Then I got back up to 9K, called a push to my raise with AJ suited (getting 3 to 1 on the push), to run into Kings again. Meh. Down to 4k, I push with nines, and someone calls off 75% of his stack with QJo. And thinks he made a brilliant call "with two overs."
Poker players are dumb and I hate most of them. ;)
First I get it all in in a PLO and get called all in by a donkey with 8 outs and no redraws. Of course he catches.
Then I am in the FTP 20K, and get myself to top 10 in chips with 250 left. I don't even make the bubble because of the following sequence of events:
I get limp-reraised (for 600 more than my raise) with KQ and he catches two pair on me (AK). Brilliant move soldier.
Getting whittled down a bit more, I pick up AJ in position, raise, and CB a raggy flop. The push over the top is less than my flop bet and I am pot-committed, so I call. He rolls over Kings.
Fine by me, but then he has the lack of class to type "ty" into the chat box in that smarmy way people do when they think you screwed up and donated to them (and no, no one had typed "nh" or anything like that, he was just being a jerk). Hey, good hand, way to go, you must be a genuis for smooth-calling in position against a guy who has you outchipped without being drawn out on. But show some class and respect. I was, again, less than charitable to this assbag, and he was too stupid to acknowledge his foolishness.
Then I got back up to 9K, called a push to my raise with AJ suited (getting 3 to 1 on the push), to run into Kings again. Meh. Down to 4k, I push with nines, and someone calls off 75% of his stack with QJo. And thinks he made a brilliant call "with two overs."
Poker players are dumb and I hate most of them. ;)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I guess I don't get it
In case you're under a rock, the House just passed an Internet Gambling prohibition, which if enacted will serve to eliminate or at least severely curtail or eliminate online poker play in the United States.
How stupid are these people? My family has worked for public officials for decades, and I used to hope that at least some of them had a clue. Now I guess I know better, as my Congresswoman (and someone who was at my freaking rehearsal dinner party) voted to suppress my freedoms without a thought.
If this bill acted to regulate and tax Internet gambling, so be it. If this bill actually outlawed all internet gambling, fine by me -- I would disagree, but I understand that cometimes the "majority" rules.
Instead we get a mishmash of special interest pandering and privacy violations that makes the Patriot Act seem like a tame security measure.
Problems from the text of the bill itself, which people apparently have not read. Of course, how can you -- it's very tough to find the actual text of a bill as passed and be sure you're not reading a prior iteration. An open and accessible Congress, eh? Anyhow, my quick review (read Cardplayer for something much more in-depth):
1. The only stated basis for the Act is "Internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry." Later on they make vague accusations of possible money laundering. So the bill exists to assist big banks? Why do they need our help? I thought this was a great moral crusade!
2. Wager is defined as "the staking or risking by any person of something of value upon the outcome of a contest of others, a sporting event, or a game subject to chance". Is poker subject to chance? Under this broad-ass definition, probably. Note the odd carve out for "contests":
3. Note that if you had enough money, you could get yourself out of this. Not sure why Harrah's didn't man up, since this will seriously affect their WSOP bottom line, but big swingers like lotteries and horse racing are specifically exempted. The only logical conclusion is that their lobbyists did a good job, as there is little difference I can note between those forms of wagering and others banned by the broad brush of this act.
4. Banks are authorized and in fact required to invade my privacy to determine where my EFTs are going to and coming from, without a warrant or any need for probable cause, and then are required to block my transactions to certain companies, again without warrant or other judicial intervention. Same thing for my ISP. So I can go to any porn site, hate group, or Nambla, but my ISP has the right (and legal duty) to block my access to gambling sites.
5. Violators can be sent to jail for 5 years and/or fined. Again though, seems like this punishes the businesses, not the players themselves.
6. This bill could conceivably result in millions in private sector mandated costs. This may trickle down into bank fees and the like.
Long story short, this is a fairly disgusting example of special interests and moral pandering of the worst political sort. Shame on you, Republicans, for pushing this through amd making it an agenda item. Shame on you, Democrats, for going along. Shame on you, Mr. President, for tacitly accepting this purposeless restriction of freedoms.
How stupid are these people? My family has worked for public officials for decades, and I used to hope that at least some of them had a clue. Now I guess I know better, as my Congresswoman (and someone who was at my freaking rehearsal dinner party) voted to suppress my freedoms without a thought.
If this bill acted to regulate and tax Internet gambling, so be it. If this bill actually outlawed all internet gambling, fine by me -- I would disagree, but I understand that cometimes the "majority" rules.
Instead we get a mishmash of special interest pandering and privacy violations that makes the Patriot Act seem like a tame security measure.
Problems from the text of the bill itself, which people apparently have not read. Of course, how can you -- it's very tough to find the actual text of a bill as passed and be sure you're not reading a prior iteration. An open and accessible Congress, eh? Anyhow, my quick review (read Cardplayer for something much more in-depth):
1. The only stated basis for the Act is "Internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry." Later on they make vague accusations of possible money laundering. So the bill exists to assist big banks? Why do they need our help? I thought this was a great moral crusade!
2. Wager is defined as "the staking or risking by any person of something of value upon the outcome of a contest of others, a sporting event, or a game subject to chance". Is poker subject to chance? Under this broad-ass definition, probably. Note the odd carve out for "contests":
`(viii) any participation in a fantasy or simulation sports game, an educational game, or a contest, that--
`(I) is not dependent solely on the outcome of any single sporting event or nonparticipant's singular individual performance in any single sporting event;
`(II) has an outcome that reflects the relative knowledge of the participants, or their skill at physical reaction or physical manipulation (but not chance), and, in the case of a fantasy or simulation sports game, has an outcome that is determined predominantly by accumulated statistical results of sporting events, including any nonparticipant's individual performances in such sporting events; and
`(III) offers a prize or award to a participant that is established in advance of the game or contest and is not determined by the number of participants or the amount of any fees paid by those participants.
3. Note that if you had enough money, you could get yourself out of this. Not sure why Harrah's didn't man up, since this will seriously affect their WSOP bottom line, but big swingers like lotteries and horse racing are specifically exempted. The only logical conclusion is that their lobbyists did a good job, as there is little difference I can note between those forms of wagering and others banned by the broad brush of this act.
4. Banks are authorized and in fact required to invade my privacy to determine where my EFTs are going to and coming from, without a warrant or any need for probable cause, and then are required to block my transactions to certain companies, again without warrant or other judicial intervention. Same thing for my ISP. So I can go to any porn site, hate group, or Nambla, but my ISP has the right (and legal duty) to block my access to gambling sites.
5. Violators can be sent to jail for 5 years and/or fined. Again though, seems like this punishes the businesses, not the players themselves.
6. This bill could conceivably result in millions in private sector mandated costs. This may trickle down into bank fees and the like.
Long story short, this is a fairly disgusting example of special interests and moral pandering of the worst political sort. Shame on you, Republicans, for pushing this through amd making it an agenda item. Shame on you, Democrats, for going along. Shame on you, Mr. President, for tacitly accepting this purposeless restriction of freedoms.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Step 1
I won my seat to Sunday's World Series tournament on Stars. At this point, they need to qualify 4,000 more for it not to be an overlay, and then it's still 1 in 32. Blinds are the same as the weekly Million, and I have done pretty well in those when I've played. I hope most of the best players have their seats already, and there won't be too many people playing just for the cash this close to the Series.
Good luck to those still trying to qualify.
I need to play great poker, of course, but I think I can win this thing. I know I can play well enough on Sunday to make it happen.
In fact, I am going to give up part of my poker weekend to make sure I get enough sleep and make it happen.
I played in the WPTFan WSOP tonight and bubbled yet again. So far 5 hours played, two bubbles, no points. Sigh. I got to play with Matt Matros and Nordberg, though, which is always a pleasure. I have fun making fun of Yale of course, and Matt doesn't really know me so he has no idea why.....
Good luck to those still trying to qualify.
I need to play great poker, of course, but I think I can win this thing. I know I can play well enough on Sunday to make it happen.
In fact, I am going to give up part of my poker weekend to make sure I get enough sleep and make it happen.
I played in the WPTFan WSOP tonight and bubbled yet again. So far 5 hours played, two bubbles, no points. Sigh. I got to play with Matt Matros and Nordberg, though, which is always a pleasure. I have fun making fun of Yale of course, and Matt doesn't really know me so he has no idea why.....
I am the King of Free Money Tournaments
Just make it a freeroll and I will dominate, baby....
Nine whole dollars in freeroll PROFIT thus far for doin well in the FTP Fantasy League.
Poker has been uneventful. I can't believe how slowly the FTP bonus clears. It's like a joke. I 2-table 1/2 Razz and work up about five bucks in bonus in two full hours of full table ring play. Ludicrous -- why bother offering a bonus like this? FTP is this close to being a good site, but they can't quite get it. The quick basics FTP misses:
1. Respond to customer needs quickly. Too many stories from friends waiting to hear from CS for forever.
2. Make unregistration possible -- I don't need tourney dollars per se, but at least the option to play the tourney I satellited into a week later.
3. Make the bonus at least feasible to obtain. If you insist on making it this hard, remove the date restriction like Poker Stars.
My wife is leaving town to see her niece Thursday. I will miss her a lot, and I hate when she leaves town. The only upside is I get a poker weekend. Have not decided what I am doing yet, but I do hope to qualify for the Stars 150 seat guarantee and give the WSOP one shot anyway. Of course, I may have to be in Reading Monday morning, so I may be doing it from a hotel room. We'll see.
Nine whole dollars in freeroll PROFIT thus far for doin well in the FTP Fantasy League.
Poker has been uneventful. I can't believe how slowly the FTP bonus clears. It's like a joke. I 2-table 1/2 Razz and work up about five bucks in bonus in two full hours of full table ring play. Ludicrous -- why bother offering a bonus like this? FTP is this close to being a good site, but they can't quite get it. The quick basics FTP misses:
1. Respond to customer needs quickly. Too many stories from friends waiting to hear from CS for forever.
2. Make unregistration possible -- I don't need tourney dollars per se, but at least the option to play the tourney I satellited into a week later.
3. Make the bonus at least feasible to obtain. If you insist on making it this hard, remove the date restriction like Poker Stars.
My wife is leaving town to see her niece Thursday. I will miss her a lot, and I hate when she leaves town. The only upside is I get a poker weekend. Have not decided what I am doing yet, but I do hope to qualify for the Stars 150 seat guarantee and give the WSOP one shot anyway. Of course, I may have to be in Reading Monday morning, so I may be doing it from a hotel room. We'll see.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
De Nada
Nothing much going on. Lost a bit playing live Monday, lost a bit playing Razz Tuesday, finished 18th in the Fantasy Poker Freeroll. Yeehaw.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
It's a Boy!
Although technically I am already an uncle since my brother-in law and his wife have a little one, it does not feel the same as my sister being pregnant. Well, she had her ultrasound yesterday and it's a boy.
I can spoil the heck out of a boy, that's for darn sure. Can't wait for him to arrive!
My sis and her hubby are coming out tho visit this weekend, so probably not much poker to speak of. But hey, family will be awesome. My sister was my closest friend for a lot of years, and I miss her now that she's out in California.
Of course, the fact that my dad finally filed for divorce (pro se) last week without telling anybody including his wife added some drama to the mix. Suddenly we're one of those families with drama. What the heck is that about?
Oh well. I may try to sneak out for a tourney some time Monday or Tuesday, since I have two days off from the office. However, I will only do that if my girl and I get some quality time this weekend. She deserves the time!
I can spoil the heck out of a boy, that's for darn sure. Can't wait for him to arrive!
My sis and her hubby are coming out tho visit this weekend, so probably not much poker to speak of. But hey, family will be awesome. My sister was my closest friend for a lot of years, and I miss her now that she's out in California.
Of course, the fact that my dad finally filed for divorce (pro se) last week without telling anybody including his wife added some drama to the mix. Suddenly we're one of those families with drama. What the heck is that about?
Oh well. I may try to sneak out for a tourney some time Monday or Tuesday, since I have two days off from the office. However, I will only do that if my girl and I get some quality time this weekend. She deserves the time!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Well, crap.
My trials got put on hold indefinitely, so apparently I don't get to go to the Philly area for the next few weeks.
I was excited to get back into trial, and now I have to wait until at least September. Oh well. I also don't get to check out the Borgata poker room opening, but I'm sure I will get there eventually.....
I was excited to get back into trial, and now I have to wait until at least September. Oh well. I also don't get to check out the Borgata poker room opening, but I'm sure I will get there eventually.....
What happened to the fun?
I hesitated posting this, because I'd like to think I am a nice guy who does not stir the pot. However, this is supposed to be my "online diary," right? Well then, no intent to offend, but here's an issue I have been having lately.
I occasionally play in two private tournaments hosted by a member of one of the sites I post on regularly. It is my understanding that he put them together so that people from the site could test their skills against each other and have some good camaraderie. One was open to anyone who could find the password, the other had been more exclusive until recently. As they only cost $10, they are not high stakes and should not be a bankroll issue for anyone who plays in them, so everyone could focus on having fun together and playing good poker against good players. There were even leaderboards and other fun ways to measure ourselves against each other and for "bragging rights" at live events.
Unfortunately, the games have become more and more unpleasant, as certain elements have decided to play contrary to what I believe were the orginal goals.
One player admits he acts in a certain fashion in order to get a rise out of other players and to tilt them so he can capitalize on that. Others taunt, and not in our typical sarcastic fun fashion. Some players are easily tiltable and go insane when anyone dares disagree or say anything in jest or otherwise that might be interpreted as an "attack." All in all the experience has become increasingly unpleasant.
I actually watched a player call his table assholes last night because of something someone else posted hours earlier on a completely unrelated topic. Where's the fun in that?
I understand that some of this is just the vagaries of online play, but I've played with the folks who come to our live events and the vast majority aren't like this. In fact, some of the people who are acting in this fashion aren't really like this. Perhaps it is the act of placing fingers to keyboard that makes people forget decorum, but it's not fun anymore. There is not point in blocking half of the players' chat in order to tolerate a game -- I'll just post and IM with my friends and play in a satellite or something.
So, anyway, still love the sites, hate the private games. Good luck to all those who still play them, and I do hope they improve in character and tone. Maybe some day I can play them again, because I do enjoy playing with my friends.
I occasionally play in two private tournaments hosted by a member of one of the sites I post on regularly. It is my understanding that he put them together so that people from the site could test their skills against each other and have some good camaraderie. One was open to anyone who could find the password, the other had been more exclusive until recently. As they only cost $10, they are not high stakes and should not be a bankroll issue for anyone who plays in them, so everyone could focus on having fun together and playing good poker against good players. There were even leaderboards and other fun ways to measure ourselves against each other and for "bragging rights" at live events.
Unfortunately, the games have become more and more unpleasant, as certain elements have decided to play contrary to what I believe were the orginal goals.
One player admits he acts in a certain fashion in order to get a rise out of other players and to tilt them so he can capitalize on that. Others taunt, and not in our typical sarcastic fun fashion. Some players are easily tiltable and go insane when anyone dares disagree or say anything in jest or otherwise that might be interpreted as an "attack." All in all the experience has become increasingly unpleasant.
I actually watched a player call his table assholes last night because of something someone else posted hours earlier on a completely unrelated topic. Where's the fun in that?
I understand that some of this is just the vagaries of online play, but I've played with the folks who come to our live events and the vast majority aren't like this. In fact, some of the people who are acting in this fashion aren't really like this. Perhaps it is the act of placing fingers to keyboard that makes people forget decorum, but it's not fun anymore. There is not point in blocking half of the players' chat in order to tolerate a game -- I'll just post and IM with my friends and play in a satellite or something.
So, anyway, still love the sites, hate the private games. Good luck to all those who still play them, and I do hope they improve in character and tone. Maybe some day I can play them again, because I do enjoy playing with my friends.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Sweet Fancy Moses That Was Fun
For once had a great night at a cash game and I feel like my game was as focused as it's ever been.
The game in question is NLHE and PLO, 50BB buyin (can double each time you bust). The key to a good play session if Omaha is being chosen a lot is either doubling up or busting so you can buy in double, because not enough behind to play with those blinds.
As per usual, ran through my first hundred quickly, missed a bunch of flops. Got my second buy-in up, but lost one big pot and had to drop a big Omaha draw on the turn. Seeing few good hands, and my cheap in position hands are missing.
Then at around midnight or so begins the kind of rush you dream about.
Hand that starts the late night rally -- AK10x double suited with diamonds, I call in LP a small raise from MP. Flop K83 two diamonds, we get it all in and he shows me bottom set. River diamond gets me back up to about 2 buy-ins.
Then I win a big pot against the drunk guy to my right who was spewing chips. I can't remember the hand too well but I think I had him the whole way and he kept calling.
Next hand AA109 single suited spades, smooth call preflop raise in SB to disguise my hand and because I don't like to overplay aces. Straddle is the ultra loose game runner and he calls as well. Flop 934, two spades, bet out, call fold. Turn 10, bet, call. River 7 of spades, smooth call (he says "I'll pay you off"), he turned the same two pair and hit the 10 high flush. That put me at about eight buy-ins.
Last notable hand -- QQ in SB, raise 6x (standard), BB smooth calls, limpers fold. Flop KQ4 rainbow. I check, BB bets half pot, I think he has a good King so I checkraise 3x, he smooth calls again. Turn offsuit 6, I bet half pot, he smooth calls again, I see no indication that I could possibly be behind. River 4, I bet the rest of my "working stack" as I was racking up to leave, he smooth calls again, he has AK and probably loses the minimum considering the way the hand played out. I finish at a bit over 11 buy-ins for the night, after being stuck two buy-ins.
Most importantly than the big score, however, I played tightly enough that I actually had a great table image, but my raises got respect (but not too much from the drunkies and because I did show down some "weak" hands when I could get to the river cheap), I tended to know exactly where I was, and I got out of the way unless I had a good hand in position, a great hand out of position, or could play cheap.
This is what all the work has been about, and I am pleased with my performance. I passed the test.
The game in question is NLHE and PLO, 50BB buyin (can double each time you bust). The key to a good play session if Omaha is being chosen a lot is either doubling up or busting so you can buy in double, because not enough behind to play with those blinds.
As per usual, ran through my first hundred quickly, missed a bunch of flops. Got my second buy-in up, but lost one big pot and had to drop a big Omaha draw on the turn. Seeing few good hands, and my cheap in position hands are missing.
Then at around midnight or so begins the kind of rush you dream about.
Hand that starts the late night rally -- AK10x double suited with diamonds, I call in LP a small raise from MP. Flop K83 two diamonds, we get it all in and he shows me bottom set. River diamond gets me back up to about 2 buy-ins.
Then I win a big pot against the drunk guy to my right who was spewing chips. I can't remember the hand too well but I think I had him the whole way and he kept calling.
Next hand AA109 single suited spades, smooth call preflop raise in SB to disguise my hand and because I don't like to overplay aces. Straddle is the ultra loose game runner and he calls as well. Flop 934, two spades, bet out, call fold. Turn 10, bet, call. River 7 of spades, smooth call (he says "I'll pay you off"), he turned the same two pair and hit the 10 high flush. That put me at about eight buy-ins.
Last notable hand -- QQ in SB, raise 6x (standard), BB smooth calls, limpers fold. Flop KQ4 rainbow. I check, BB bets half pot, I think he has a good King so I checkraise 3x, he smooth calls again. Turn offsuit 6, I bet half pot, he smooth calls again, I see no indication that I could possibly be behind. River 4, I bet the rest of my "working stack" as I was racking up to leave, he smooth calls again, he has AK and probably loses the minimum considering the way the hand played out. I finish at a bit over 11 buy-ins for the night, after being stuck two buy-ins.
Most importantly than the big score, however, I played tightly enough that I actually had a great table image, but my raises got respect (but not too much from the drunkies and because I did show down some "weak" hands when I could get to the river cheap), I tended to know exactly where I was, and I got out of the way unless I had a good hand in position, a great hand out of position, or could play cheap.
This is what all the work has been about, and I am pleased with my performance. I passed the test.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Sorry, stuff has been boring. Ramping up for three trials in Delaware and I have not been feeling well -- means I am reading a lot and struggling to keep focused. My sleep apnea equipment finally arrives tomorrow so at least I can start getting some good sleep.
My condolences to fellow Pittsburgh blogger Mean Gene on his recent troubles. Keep your chin up, sir.
I will probably play in a crazy local cash game tomorrow night. I am trying to get excited for it, but I have gone a long time between winning sessions at this game. They play NL and PLO, though, so it's like crack. I think I am a better player than the last time I was there, so here's hoping I remember my rules.
1. Play tighter when they're loose.
2. Tight does not mean folding when you have a hand that can cripple if it nails the flop and can see said flop for cheap.
3. Play tighter when they're loose.
4. Think before you bet, try to keep pots small unless you are pricing out a draw.
5. Play tighter when they're loose.
6. It's OK to fold. If you're getting bored, play with your Hulk toy or make conversation. Hell, that's why you bought the damn IPod.
7. Play tighter when they're loose.
8. AJ and AQ are crap.
I don't think I missed anything. ;)
My condolences to fellow Pittsburgh blogger Mean Gene on his recent troubles. Keep your chin up, sir.
I will probably play in a crazy local cash game tomorrow night. I am trying to get excited for it, but I have gone a long time between winning sessions at this game. They play NL and PLO, though, so it's like crack. I think I am a better player than the last time I was there, so here's hoping I remember my rules.
1. Play tighter when they're loose.
2. Tight does not mean folding when you have a hand that can cripple if it nails the flop and can see said flop for cheap.
3. Play tighter when they're loose.
4. Think before you bet, try to keep pots small unless you are pricing out a draw.
5. Play tighter when they're loose.
6. It's OK to fold. If you're getting bored, play with your Hulk toy or make conversation. Hell, that's why you bought the damn IPod.
7. Play tighter when they're loose.
8. AJ and AQ are crap.
I don't think I missed anything. ;)
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Now That's a Shame
Call me crazy, but I had the notion that a blogger tournament would include good poker play.
Boy that was wrong. I suppose my new saying should be "those who can't do, blog," because the play in the Blogger championship was atrocious. Unfortunately I was fully unable to capitalize, because I only got a few playable hands in the first hour and a half. I was able to work my good hands a bit and doubled up through grinding and some steals with decent Aces. That put me about middle of the pack with 800 left.
It was a shame that I could not get anything going in the 215 early either. The good part of the sat system is I can play for cheap. The bad part is that others can play for cheap and play very, very crazy the first few levels. I had to make some laydown early and was at 1200 an hour in. Had to start pushing. So A2 v. 77 v. AK. Shocking, I lose -- too short to follow my "don't push with Ace rag" rule, and of course I run into a pair and a better Ace.
Back to the blogger tourney -- I sucked out twice in a row and got myself to $16k with 350 left. So sorry ToddCommish and obsoleet, I felt pot committed in both ;). Nice to meet a reader, though!
This hour saw me grind away and get up to $25K with one double up -- middle ace against underpair. Lost some, then got back up when my K7 in the big blind got bluffed all-in on the flop. He had a gutshot and I had top pair and I survived. Treaded water until the break.
And then I lost on the second hand after the break when some moron calls my push with Q10o and catches. People are idiots. Out 100 something of 2200, so I guess yay me.
OK, sorry about the can't do, blog thing. I know quite a few bloggers, especially the ones in the weekly tourneys, are good players, but boy several of the folks that made the tourney sucked. Maybe it is because several admitted to starting a blog just to try this tourney. However, in fact it seemed like people were willing to go to war with bad hands, middle pair, and any draw. I hope it was the effect of the freeness, because otherwise it's ridiculous.
Boy that was wrong. I suppose my new saying should be "those who can't do, blog," because the play in the Blogger championship was atrocious. Unfortunately I was fully unable to capitalize, because I only got a few playable hands in the first hour and a half. I was able to work my good hands a bit and doubled up through grinding and some steals with decent Aces. That put me about middle of the pack with 800 left.
It was a shame that I could not get anything going in the 215 early either. The good part of the sat system is I can play for cheap. The bad part is that others can play for cheap and play very, very crazy the first few levels. I had to make some laydown early and was at 1200 an hour in. Had to start pushing. So A2 v. 77 v. AK. Shocking, I lose -- too short to follow my "don't push with Ace rag" rule, and of course I run into a pair and a better Ace.
Back to the blogger tourney -- I sucked out twice in a row and got myself to $16k with 350 left. So sorry ToddCommish and obsoleet, I felt pot committed in both ;). Nice to meet a reader, though!
This hour saw me grind away and get up to $25K with one double up -- middle ace against underpair. Lost some, then got back up when my K7 in the big blind got bluffed all-in on the flop. He had a gutshot and I had top pair and I survived. Treaded water until the break.
And then I lost on the second hand after the break when some moron calls my push with Q10o and catches. People are idiots. Out 100 something of 2200, so I guess yay me.
OK, sorry about the can't do, blog thing. I know quite a few bloggers, especially the ones in the weekly tourneys, are good players, but boy several of the folks that made the tourney sucked. Maybe it is because several admitted to starting a blog just to try this tourney. However, in fact it seemed like people were willing to go to war with bad hands, middle pair, and any draw. I hope it was the effect of the freeness, because otherwise it's ridiculous.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Actually, I was Going to Post it as a Bad Beat but it's Really Rather Creepy
Decide to play a bit of live tonight. Off I went down the hill to the local tournament (literally there is a tournament every Saturday half a mile down the hill from my house).
Played pretty well considering my cards. Got AK once, threes once, tens once, and that was it for about the first hour and a half. Finally I am forced to push in LP when short with A8, and the guy with A2h who calls anything calls out of the BB. My hand is good and I am up to 14k with blinds of 400/800.
I get A9, two callers. Flop A 9 4, two spades. Button donkey call my flop pot be. Turn 4, I bet pot again, he calls. River 2s. I decide he caught and check. He pushes, I fold after tanking, he shows a 9 so he probably bluffed. That's life, but I am down to 8k.
I get short again, and end up pushing a ragged flop with middle pair and two hearts. The SB calls. With bottom pair and a 5 high flush draw. Of course that hits and IGHN. Should have pushed preflop, oh well. Out 11th for nothing, but I win the 50/50 amd I am free rollin', baby! Don't ask, 50/50 tickets are my leak.
Speaking of leaks, I decide to play a little cash. Sit down in 1/2, get it up to 2 buy-ins or so when my Aces hold up against K8 (he had top pair and a flush draw, not sure why he called 16 preflop but hey I dodge his outs). Then it limps around to me in the BB two hands later and I have a suited jack. 6 players, I rap.
Flop K5J, two hearts. Middle pair and a flush draw. Checked to MP who bets 15, I call with another person. Turn is a black J. I bet out 40, fold, reluctant call. River brings my flush, I push, he instacalls with his limped Kings. So that's twice in three days I lose most of my stack with limped premium pairs from middle position. Creepy. I know the possible hands of Axh and KJ should have had me checking or betting smaller on the river, so don't feel like I don't know I played it badly, but why do my limps with Aces or Kings never work out that way?
Next hand in the SB I complete (with 25 total in my hand) with suited 45. Flop comes A36, two clubs, I push (double up or go home at this point, open ended good enough). One caller. He has 25 clubs. Gutshot and a 5 high flush draw. Club on the turn.
How does one lose to two five high flush draws in one night? Creepy.
One thing I learned is that I am much better at paying attention to body language in a tournament. Now that I reflect, Mr. limped Kings was oozing weak is strong tells and I missed them. I should have seized on the bad acting and slowed down. Oh well, money poorly spent, but I had some fun and listened to 80s music.
Played pretty well considering my cards. Got AK once, threes once, tens once, and that was it for about the first hour and a half. Finally I am forced to push in LP when short with A8, and the guy with A2h who calls anything calls out of the BB. My hand is good and I am up to 14k with blinds of 400/800.
I get A9, two callers. Flop A 9 4, two spades. Button donkey call my flop pot be. Turn 4, I bet pot again, he calls. River 2s. I decide he caught and check. He pushes, I fold after tanking, he shows a 9 so he probably bluffed. That's life, but I am down to 8k.
I get short again, and end up pushing a ragged flop with middle pair and two hearts. The SB calls. With bottom pair and a 5 high flush draw. Of course that hits and IGHN. Should have pushed preflop, oh well. Out 11th for nothing, but I win the 50/50 amd I am free rollin', baby! Don't ask, 50/50 tickets are my leak.
Speaking of leaks, I decide to play a little cash. Sit down in 1/2, get it up to 2 buy-ins or so when my Aces hold up against K8 (he had top pair and a flush draw, not sure why he called 16 preflop but hey I dodge his outs). Then it limps around to me in the BB two hands later and I have a suited jack. 6 players, I rap.
Flop K5J, two hearts. Middle pair and a flush draw. Checked to MP who bets 15, I call with another person. Turn is a black J. I bet out 40, fold, reluctant call. River brings my flush, I push, he instacalls with his limped Kings. So that's twice in three days I lose most of my stack with limped premium pairs from middle position. Creepy. I know the possible hands of Axh and KJ should have had me checking or betting smaller on the river, so don't feel like I don't know I played it badly, but why do my limps with Aces or Kings never work out that way?
Next hand in the SB I complete (with 25 total in my hand) with suited 45. Flop comes A36, two clubs, I push (double up or go home at this point, open ended good enough). One caller. He has 25 clubs. Gutshot and a 5 high flush draw. Club on the turn.
How does one lose to two five high flush draws in one night? Creepy.
One thing I learned is that I am much better at paying attention to body language in a tournament. Now that I reflect, Mr. limped Kings was oozing weak is strong tells and I missed them. I should have seized on the bad acting and slowed down. Oh well, money poorly spent, but I had some fun and listened to 80s music.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
What a crappy night
I play several DS's and bet my good hands strong only to lose each one on the turn or river.
I finally get HU in one, wrestle back the chiplead and get immediately disconnected for ten minutes, resulting in me getting short and deperate. I end up having to push with the Hammer which is way no good.
Then I get short in another sat (73+7) and of course the donkey's limped Aces work out great for him.
Just frustrating from start to finish. I did not play horribly, just aggressively, and every last donkey caught.
I finally get HU in one, wrestle back the chiplead and get immediately disconnected for ten minutes, resulting in me getting short and deperate. I end up having to push with the Hammer which is way no good.
Then I get short in another sat (73+7) and of course the donkey's limped Aces work out great for him.
Just frustrating from start to finish. I did not play horribly, just aggressively, and every last donkey caught.
Monday, June 12, 2006
All Good
Sold some of my $W, and won some $T. I also have 3 FTP tokens that I hope to turn into $75 tokens ASAP.
Played some yesterday, spent too much to get $T215, but hey now I have it. I should be able to turn it into something positive. If I keep running good in double shootouts, I may just start selling $T and $W for extra BR.
Congrats to scottjf8, our latest DB 5 figure winner -- 3d in the PS Million yesterday. Awesome job.
Played some yesterday, spent too much to get $T215, but hey now I have it. I should be able to turn it into something positive. If I keep running good in double shootouts, I may just start selling $T and $W for extra BR.
Congrats to scottjf8, our latest DB 5 figure winner -- 3d in the PS Million yesterday. Awesome job.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I feel better.
Not going to apologize or feel badly for the last post, because that's how I felt at the time.
However, I think the experience that was poker Monday night led me to a place where I know what I generally need to do to play better. I think because I play and post with a bunch of great players that I am better than I am sometimes, and fancy play and cockiness results. Therefore, even though I was hard on myself, I think it was important for me to recognize reality for a minute.
My mom called in tears last night and got me going emotionally, so the usual insomnia kicked in around 10:30. As a result I wound up in a WSOP double shootout. I won the sucker thanks to a combination of patience and some good cards at the precise moment they were needed. That was a good thing, obviously.
Now, after the tough weekend and paying some expenses with my Quad Shootout win (which apparently replayed last night and I totally missed it), I have a dilemma regarding what to do with these tournament dollars in my account.
1. I have wanted to go to the WSOP oh so much and would love to take a shot at it. These $W make that possible on my BR in a variety of ways.
2. My BR is low these days and even at 90% the money would come in handy for other things.
So should I sell? Play an sat or two and try to make more and then sell, while still keeping some for WSOP shots? DS? Blow it all on Sunday's tournament?
I'm still pondering. I think the answer is probably sell a few hundred and then take a few shots, but there may be an advantage in selling the whole thing and trying it again. I've shown some ability to win these things when I stay patient.
Not going to apologize or feel badly for the last post, because that's how I felt at the time.
However, I think the experience that was poker Monday night led me to a place where I know what I generally need to do to play better. I think because I play and post with a bunch of great players that I am better than I am sometimes, and fancy play and cockiness results. Therefore, even though I was hard on myself, I think it was important for me to recognize reality for a minute.
My mom called in tears last night and got me going emotionally, so the usual insomnia kicked in around 10:30. As a result I wound up in a WSOP double shootout. I won the sucker thanks to a combination of patience and some good cards at the precise moment they were needed. That was a good thing, obviously.
Now, after the tough weekend and paying some expenses with my Quad Shootout win (which apparently replayed last night and I totally missed it), I have a dilemma regarding what to do with these tournament dollars in my account.
1. I have wanted to go to the WSOP oh so much and would love to take a shot at it. These $W make that possible on my BR in a variety of ways.
2. My BR is low these days and even at 90% the money would come in handy for other things.
So should I sell? Play an sat or two and try to make more and then sell, while still keeping some for WSOP shots? DS? Blow it all on Sunday's tournament?
I'm still pondering. I think the answer is probably sell a few hundred and then take a few shots, but there may be an advantage in selling the whole thing and trying it again. I've shown some ability to win these things when I stay patient.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Maybe I should just quit
Seriously, I can only beat awful players (See 1c Poker, Mansion).
I can only play my cards and occasionally see what they might have. I have no other levels (See AJ, pushing into Aces and AK with).
What are gears (see Tourney, Any)?
I give away 90% of my big stacks within 90 minutes (see supra).
I have no reasonable sense of BR management (See Expenses, Atlantic City).
I try to push donkeys off of hands (See Games, Cash).
I can talk a good game but I have no means of following through on the felt (See Poker, DB).
I win tournaments that are pushfests but can't see my way through a deep stack tournament because I have no skill disadvantage in a pushfest (see Shootout, Quad).
I have so many holes in my game I am sure all my friends have notes on me a paragraph long (See Cheese, Swiss).
I lack patience, discipline, and proper motivation (See Blog, Every).
What is it about me right now that I can't get past this neverending level of mediocre play? This is not just me venting after making yet another series of boneheaded maneuvers. This is me realizing how poor a student of the game I am.
I just don't know what to say.
I can only play my cards and occasionally see what they might have. I have no other levels (See AJ, pushing into Aces and AK with).
What are gears (see Tourney, Any)?
I give away 90% of my big stacks within 90 minutes (see supra).
I have no reasonable sense of BR management (See Expenses, Atlantic City).
I try to push donkeys off of hands (See Games, Cash).
I can talk a good game but I have no means of following through on the felt (See Poker, DB).
I win tournaments that are pushfests but can't see my way through a deep stack tournament because I have no skill disadvantage in a pushfest (see Shootout, Quad).
I have so many holes in my game I am sure all my friends have notes on me a paragraph long (See Cheese, Swiss).
I lack patience, discipline, and proper motivation (See Blog, Every).
What is it about me right now that I can't get past this neverending level of mediocre play? This is not just me venting after making yet another series of boneheaded maneuvers. This is me realizing how poor a student of the game I am.
I just don't know what to say.
Horrible poker day yesterday. Played in both the PS 215 and the FTP 216 and was in both for about two hours before getting dumped.
I did not play brilliantly, I will admit, but I also had nothing to work with. I never got above starting stack in the PS tourney, and also never got a playable pocket pair. I also never hit the flop.
FTP started off great after tripling up early. However, my stack never crested 9500 as I got sucked out on with Aces versus Q5 sooooted and then the card death continued.
In 4.5 hours of play, I got about 10 playable hands, including three big pocket pairs and a couple of high paint. My rudimentary math says I should have gotten at least three times that amount over the two tournaments. Simply put, I am not good enough yet to play well with no cards. Maybe that day is looming, but when even the steals don't work it's simply not my day.
Oh well, I'll take a break and hopefully it will go better next time.
I did not play brilliantly, I will admit, but I also had nothing to work with. I never got above starting stack in the PS tourney, and also never got a playable pocket pair. I also never hit the flop.
FTP started off great after tripling up early. However, my stack never crested 9500 as I got sucked out on with Aces versus Q5 sooooted and then the card death continued.
In 4.5 hours of play, I got about 10 playable hands, including three big pocket pairs and a couple of high paint. My rudimentary math says I should have gotten at least three times that amount over the two tournaments. Simply put, I am not good enough yet to play well with no cards. Maybe that day is looming, but when even the steals don't work it's simply not my day.
Oh well, I'll take a break and hopefully it will go better next time.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Weird Night
Could not sleep again. So I played.
Qualified for the FTP $200K Sunday. Bubbled in a DS for the PS Million. And finished 6th again for $24 at the Mansion 1c tourney. It's like a license to print money.
Glad to see that FTP increased chipstacks for their big guarantees. Had not played them in a long while and that's an important improvement. Now all they need is $T and we're set.
Qualified for the FTP $200K Sunday. Bubbled in a DS for the PS Million. And finished 6th again for $24 at the Mansion 1c tourney. It's like a license to print money.
Glad to see that FTP increased chipstacks for their big guarantees. Had not played them in a long while and that's an important improvement. Now all they need is $T and we're set.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
BOOM Again
On a lark (and because I did not want to do my brief), I signed up for the PS $5.5 Quad shootout. I was short on every table I played in, but still rallied and won the whole thing. That was awesome. The tourney is too quick to relate any big hands -- it's not completely poker but it's fun.
Plus I am deep in the Mansion 1c again.
Thanks for the awesome rail!
EDIT: 6th for 2400 buyins at Mansion. Got it all in with nines versus sevens versus K9 soooooooooted. Of course I finished with the worst hand.
Plus I am deep in the Mansion 1c again.
Thanks for the awesome rail!
EDIT: 6th for 2400 buyins at Mansion. Got it all in with nines versus sevens versus K9 soooooooooted. Of course I finished with the worst hand.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Good Luck

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 1280726
Gave most of it back
Unfortunately, gave most of this weekend's winnings back last night in satellite fees. I need to never play that 36+3 again. Although it seems ideally suited to my game, I have only won one seat in it in 10 or so tries. Enough is enough.
Had the early chip lead in a 11 DS, but back to back Queens fell to the mighty A3off and K10off. What can you do ;).
Ended the weekend in almost the same place as I started -- virtually identical cash (up a bit, thanks 1/2 Razz) and 1 FTP token. I'll save it for a guaranteed tourney or a big satellite to the $200K this weekend.
Also, big congrats to DBPOker/WPTFan's own Chris Minery for getting his ME seat in the 1K FTP satellite last night. As I said, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, class act all around. And congrats to Nordberg, who decided that taking days off after winning 500K and a diamond ring is for wimps -- he locked up his third seat (or so) in the same tournament. Once my BR gets a bit healthier again this tourney is probably the ME route I will take. If not this year, next year.
EDIT: I made my first PROFIT in the Mansion 1c tourney. 549 buyins! I cannot be stopped!
Had the early chip lead in a 11 DS, but back to back Queens fell to the mighty A3off and K10off. What can you do ;).
Ended the weekend in almost the same place as I started -- virtually identical cash (up a bit, thanks 1/2 Razz) and 1 FTP token. I'll save it for a guaranteed tourney or a big satellite to the $200K this weekend.
Also, big congrats to DBPOker/WPTFan's own Chris Minery for getting his ME seat in the 1K FTP satellite last night. As I said, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, class act all around. And congrats to Nordberg, who decided that taking days off after winning 500K and a diamond ring is for wimps -- he locked up his third seat (or so) in the same tournament. Once my BR gets a bit healthier again this tourney is probably the ME route I will take. If not this year, next year.
EDIT: I made my first PROFIT in the Mansion 1c tourney. 549 buyins! I cannot be stopped!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Congratulations to Peter "Nordberg" Feldman, winner of the WSOPC event in New Orleans. Beat Gavin Smith in 151 hands heads-up for over half a million. Way to go!
Not a Horrible Night
Finished 60th in the FTP $19K. Would have gone much deeper, but some moron calls two all ins with A3o and catches an Ace. I win that 3-way all-in and I am at $30K, top 15 in chips, and the leader at my table. I can't see how he calls under any circumstance -- even if he had "odds" to call off 90% of his stack, he has to know his A3o is way no good. Hey, three-outers by donkeys keep them playing -- I'll get him next time.
Nevertheless, it's nice -- I felt I played well throughout, and I had a spark of confidence in my play. Made some good laydowns, and went the first two hours only showing down 4 hands while building to 9k. Oh well, at least the win pads my satellite bankroll so I can keep playing in these tourneys. So far the plan is working well.
Also started playing the 1 cent tourneys at Mansion. They're loads of fun. I bubbled today, but I think they are easy enough to get close consistently. The play is, well, what you'd expect from a 1 cent tourney.
Nevertheless, it's nice -- I felt I played well throughout, and I had a spark of confidence in my play. Made some good laydowns, and went the first two hours only showing down 4 hands while building to 9k. Oh well, at least the win pads my satellite bankroll so I can keep playing in these tourneys. So far the plan is working well.
Also started playing the 1 cent tourneys at Mansion. They're loads of fun. I bubbled today, but I think they are easy enough to get close consistently. The play is, well, what you'd expect from a 1 cent tourney.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Bankroll Fun
Well, after figuring out the costs involved with AC, and some other expenses that need to be paid through poker money, looks like my bankroll is not particularly healthy.
It's going to be a unique time in my poker career right now as I struggle to battle back to a respectable roll. Granted, I've done it before, but now my real question is how.
Plugging away at low limits seems like the most consistent answer, but obviously a tournament score (like I know I am capable of) would be the quickest way to do it. So here's my thought process:
1. Play FTP and PS primarily because they offer low-money satellites to their major Sunday tournaments, and the nightly cheap rebuys offer an inexpensive way of making some cash as well. This is especially the case with PS -- win one double shootout and you have low-limit tourney/satellite bankroll dollars for weeks.
2. Play low-limit cash games (including proven money winners like O8, Stud8 and Razz) to cover my satellite/tournament expenses and create gradual bankroll increases.
3. Try for additional roll increases through selective bonus whoring (William Hill, etc.).
The hope is this system will work out, but I am always willing to hear suggestions. This is more work than fun, but that's OK as I think I can learn a lot about the game this way.
And for those of you wondering why a recreational player is worrying about a bankroll -- it's because I promised my wife I would not dip into our mutual money ever again to restock my poker bankroll. I intend to keep that promise, but I spent too much on the last trip and need to pay it off. Therefore much of the current bankroll is directed towards paying off the costs of my trip and some other things.
It's going to be a unique time in my poker career right now as I struggle to battle back to a respectable roll. Granted, I've done it before, but now my real question is how.
Plugging away at low limits seems like the most consistent answer, but obviously a tournament score (like I know I am capable of) would be the quickest way to do it. So here's my thought process:
1. Play FTP and PS primarily because they offer low-money satellites to their major Sunday tournaments, and the nightly cheap rebuys offer an inexpensive way of making some cash as well. This is especially the case with PS -- win one double shootout and you have low-limit tourney/satellite bankroll dollars for weeks.
2. Play low-limit cash games (including proven money winners like O8, Stud8 and Razz) to cover my satellite/tournament expenses and create gradual bankroll increases.
3. Try for additional roll increases through selective bonus whoring (William Hill, etc.).
The hope is this system will work out, but I am always willing to hear suggestions. This is more work than fun, but that's OK as I think I can learn a lot about the game this way.
And for those of you wondering why a recreational player is worrying about a bankroll -- it's because I promised my wife I would not dip into our mutual money ever again to restock my poker bankroll. I intend to keep that promise, but I spent too much on the last trip and need to pay it off. Therefore much of the current bankroll is directed towards paying off the costs of my trip and some other things.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
1. What is the biggest mistake people make at a NL table?
No question on this one. Overplaying one pair on a scary board, or overplaying one pair period. Biggest hole in my game anyway ;)
2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
Playing, because LIG. OK, I don't know limit that well, but it seems like folding for one more bet in a big pot without a real clear read. That sounds good.
3. Why do you play poker?
To challenge myself in my post-academic and athletic years. I miss the academic challenge of school and athletic challenge of football. Poker helps me to keep learning and growing and keeping my competitive edge.
4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
Playing computer games, I imagine. I don't play enough for it to be more than a time filler at this point, so very little else would change.
5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
Positively Fifth Street. I like poker stories more than strategy books, although they have certainly helped my game.
6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
I have a lot of favorites that I play with every chance I get. As far as TV personalities, maybe Raymer. Lots of players are entertaining, though.
7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
Sheiky right now, with honorable mention always going to Hellmuth. Matusow and Arieh grew on me quite a bit.
8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
Man, I can't remember. Probably Nordberg.
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
Bluffing is fun, but getting someone to call all-in drawing slim always makes me feel the best. You feel like you control the game the most when you make just the right bet to commit them to the hand nearly dead.
13. Why do you blog?
Because I thought a 300+ pound man carrying around a diary would look silly.
14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
I really don't have any experience with RSS and should probably learn.
15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
Maybe. It would be a tough choice.
16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?
Never. It would not match my handbag or my diary.
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
Knowing where they stand in a hand.
18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
That's a little sketchy in my book.
19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
To enjoy myself and grow through the challenge. I'm getting there.
20. What is your primary online site and why?
Stars. They just do a lot of it right, and there are enough bad players there that I can generally do pretty well. Plus blaming losses on Lee Jones never gets old.
21. What site do you dislike and why?
Party. Hate the interface, hate the players, hate the ad campaign.
No question on this one. Overplaying one pair on a scary board, or overplaying one pair period. Biggest hole in my game anyway ;)
2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
Playing, because LIG. OK, I don't know limit that well, but it seems like folding for one more bet in a big pot without a real clear read. That sounds good.
3. Why do you play poker?
To challenge myself in my post-academic and athletic years. I miss the academic challenge of school and athletic challenge of football. Poker helps me to keep learning and growing and keeping my competitive edge.
4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
Playing computer games, I imagine. I don't play enough for it to be more than a time filler at this point, so very little else would change.
5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
Positively Fifth Street. I like poker stories more than strategy books, although they have certainly helped my game.
6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
I have a lot of favorites that I play with every chance I get. As far as TV personalities, maybe Raymer. Lots of players are entertaining, though.
7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
Sheiky right now, with honorable mention always going to Hellmuth. Matusow and Arieh grew on me quite a bit.
8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
Man, I can't remember. Probably Nordberg.
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
Bluffing is fun, but getting someone to call all-in drawing slim always makes me feel the best. You feel like you control the game the most when you make just the right bet to commit them to the hand nearly dead.
13. Why do you blog?
Because I thought a 300+ pound man carrying around a diary would look silly.
14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
I really don't have any experience with RSS and should probably learn.
15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
Maybe. It would be a tough choice.
16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?
Never. It would not match my handbag or my diary.
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
Knowing where they stand in a hand.
18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
That's a little sketchy in my book.
19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
To enjoy myself and grow through the challenge. I'm getting there.
20. What is your primary online site and why?
Stars. They just do a lot of it right, and there are enough bad players there that I can generally do pretty well. Plus blaming losses on Lee Jones never gets old.
21. What site do you dislike and why?
Party. Hate the interface, hate the players, hate the ad campaign.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Thanks, that was fun.
Had a great time in AC.
Came out of it down a bit, but that was directly due to two leaks.
One was playing mostly tournaments. Cashed in one for a small amount, and had a lot of chips in another with 22 remaining until my AK ran into another big stack's A10 off. That got me crippled and I did not recover. That's the breaks, but I was there to have fun and tourneys seemed more fun than cash games, and they mostly were. The nice thing was that I knew as I sat in each tourney that I am a better player now than I was last year. Poker is getting more fun as I learn, and the cash games were mostly profitable when I played them.
The second leak, of course, was table games with my friends. But hey, not everything always has to be +EV, right?
Came out of it down a bit, but that was directly due to two leaks.
One was playing mostly tournaments. Cashed in one for a small amount, and had a lot of chips in another with 22 remaining until my AK ran into another big stack's A10 off. That got me crippled and I did not recover. That's the breaks, but I was there to have fun and tourneys seemed more fun than cash games, and they mostly were. The nice thing was that I knew as I sat in each tourney that I am a better player now than I was last year. Poker is getting more fun as I learn, and the cash games were mostly profitable when I played them.
The second leak, of course, was table games with my friends. But hey, not everything always has to be +EV, right?
Monday, May 15, 2006
Ninety Four Hours.....No, Wait, Sixty Nine.....No wait 45...TWENTY THREE
Approximately 23 hours until Big Jay makes his return to AC. I can't believe it's been this long. Looking forward to it. And, yes, I've been editing this poost every day to count the hours down.
Good luck to all the DB's playing this weekend.
I plan to get into the Borgata by 9, play cash until noon, and then play in the noon Borgata tourney. I'll play one of the afternoon/evening tournaments (Maybe Bally's or Trop) time permitting as well. I have always done well in the Borgata tournaments, and love the structure, so I hope this will be a great start to the weekend.
Any blogger who happens to be in town can e-mail me or leave a comment -- happy to make any of your acquaintances. Any DB knows what the heck I look like, and the Hines Ward jersey will be worn for added visibility on Friday. Oh yes, I'll probably be the only big guy at the Hilton on Saturday with a suit on (DBPoker tournament tradition of mine), so that will also help....
Good luck to all the DB's playing this weekend.
I plan to get into the Borgata by 9, play cash until noon, and then play in the noon Borgata tourney. I'll play one of the afternoon/evening tournaments (Maybe Bally's or Trop) time permitting as well. I have always done well in the Borgata tournaments, and love the structure, so I hope this will be a great start to the weekend.
Any blogger who happens to be in town can e-mail me or leave a comment -- happy to make any of your acquaintances. Any DB knows what the heck I look like, and the Hines Ward jersey will be worn for added visibility on Friday. Oh yes, I'll probably be the only big guy at the Hilton on Saturday with a suit on (DBPoker tournament tradition of mine), so that will also help....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
A Different Tactic
Well, I played crappily in tonight's 10+1, which meant of course that my big hands got paid off when I hit them and I survived through the second break.
OK, I did not play all that badly. I stacked off one guy with Aces versus the monster QJ and he challenged me to play HU 10/20, than rudely refused to loan me the money to play him. Oh well.
One hand was interesting. I raised on a steal with A2 spades, and the SB pushes for 3300 more. I am getting precisely 2 to 1 on my money, and I figure I am 40/60 or so to his range and I call. He has Jacks (making it a close one even if he turned his hand over, although I would probably fold), and they hold up despite my flopping the flush draw. The guy typoes "LOL" into the chat box thirty times and thanks me for calling. I thought about going to war with him, but instead just resorted to a string of non sequitors.
Not another word. Well I had fun, anyway, and my wife got a footrub, so all are happy in the Gydyon household.
OK, I did not play all that badly. I stacked off one guy with Aces versus the monster QJ and he challenged me to play HU 10/20, than rudely refused to loan me the money to play him. Oh well.
One hand was interesting. I raised on a steal with A2 spades, and the SB pushes for 3300 more. I am getting precisely 2 to 1 on my money, and I figure I am 40/60 or so to his range and I call. He has Jacks (making it a close one even if he turned his hand over, although I would probably fold), and they hold up despite my flopping the flush draw. The guy typoes "LOL" into the chat box thirty times and thanks me for calling. I thought about going to war with him, but instead just resorted to a string of non sequitors.
Not another word. Well I had fun, anyway, and my wife got a footrub, so all are happy in the Gydyon household.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Just got a very apologetic and apparently heartfelt letter from my dad about the whole family situation. More emotion and genuineness in that e-mail than I've seen out of my dad in about a decade.
Let me explain -- there are at least two Jays (as I suspect is the case for most of us). One is the friendly, relatively light-hearted persona that is generally likeable, especially in a large group setting. A "teddy bear" of sorts. This Jay wears his heart on his sleeve and tells you exactly how it is and what he's feeling. Fortunately for my marriage, this is the Jay that is married to Krissy -- she brings out the best in me, no doubt.
However, there is also the Jay that grew up in my parents' house, who fears confrontation and never speaks his mind. Not sure why that Jay wound up that way, but I know my dad is the same way about confrontation and showing his true feelings on something. So when my dad opens up in an e-mail or anywhere, things may just be looking up.
Let me explain -- there are at least two Jays (as I suspect is the case for most of us). One is the friendly, relatively light-hearted persona that is generally likeable, especially in a large group setting. A "teddy bear" of sorts. This Jay wears his heart on his sleeve and tells you exactly how it is and what he's feeling. Fortunately for my marriage, this is the Jay that is married to Krissy -- she brings out the best in me, no doubt.
However, there is also the Jay that grew up in my parents' house, who fears confrontation and never speaks his mind. Not sure why that Jay wound up that way, but I know my dad is the same way about confrontation and showing his true feelings on something. So when my dad opens up in an e-mail or anywhere, things may just be looking up.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Taking a short break at work to ruminate. We had a big defense verdict Friday so I think I am entitled.
I have deliberately avoided live poker since my trip to Niagara Falls (with the exception of one tourney in which I busted on the fourth hand with pocket Aces -- I raised huge and he caught his set of fives), because I want to make sure I have enough money to play in Atlantic City. However, without my regular live games, I find I miss the feel of chips, the fun of trying to read my opponents, the atmosphere of a classy card room. Therefore, I am really looking forward to sitting down in the Borgata in about 11 days. I should have just enough money to have a good time and get some solid tournament and cash play in. Here's hoping I stick to the basics and play my A game, or this may become a microlimits blog instead of a small stakes blog ;)
On the online front, however, things are not "progressing," as indicated in my last post. This downswing has teeth, and I hope it ends soon. Not only would it be helpful to my bankroll to win some more money online (in fact what I would really like is some tourney dollars to isolate the bankroll from rebuy/satellite swings), I'd simply like to have a good night or two before my trip just so I feel a little more confidence. But I think the downswing was bad luck, bad play, and tilt from those two creating a spiral.
I therefore think taking the past few days off will work wonders. I think I burn out if I play too many days in a row, especially lately when I've been trying to earn instead of learn and enjoy. My wife has certainly appreciated three days of undivided attention, but then again she pretty much hates poker. Thank God she loves me, or I would never get to do this thing.
I look forward to re-entering the battle fresh tonight or tomorrow night. Wish me good fortune and good focus.
I have deliberately avoided live poker since my trip to Niagara Falls (with the exception of one tourney in which I busted on the fourth hand with pocket Aces -- I raised huge and he caught his set of fives), because I want to make sure I have enough money to play in Atlantic City. However, without my regular live games, I find I miss the feel of chips, the fun of trying to read my opponents, the atmosphere of a classy card room. Therefore, I am really looking forward to sitting down in the Borgata in about 11 days. I should have just enough money to have a good time and get some solid tournament and cash play in. Here's hoping I stick to the basics and play my A game, or this may become a microlimits blog instead of a small stakes blog ;)
On the online front, however, things are not "progressing," as indicated in my last post. This downswing has teeth, and I hope it ends soon. Not only would it be helpful to my bankroll to win some more money online (in fact what I would really like is some tourney dollars to isolate the bankroll from rebuy/satellite swings), I'd simply like to have a good night or two before my trip just so I feel a little more confidence. But I think the downswing was bad luck, bad play, and tilt from those two creating a spiral.
I therefore think taking the past few days off will work wonders. I think I burn out if I play too many days in a row, especially lately when I've been trying to earn instead of learn and enjoy. My wife has certainly appreciated three days of undivided attention, but then again she pretty much hates poker. Thank God she loves me, or I would never get to do this thing.
I look forward to re-entering the battle fresh tonight or tomorrow night. Wish me good fortune and good focus.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Thanks Mr. Cruise and Ms. Moore
Poker Stars: I'm sorry, I should have called first.
Gydyon: No, I was just running some satellites. Come on in.
Poker Stars: I was just wondering if you'd like to play in a couple more tourneys.
Gydyon: Am I on a downswing?
Poker Stars: No...
Gydyon: It feels like I am on a downswing.
Poker Stars: No, I was just...
Gydyon: I've been on downswings before, and that's what it feels like.
Poker Stars: Do you like Omaha? I know a good Omaha table.
Gydyon: No, I was just running some satellites. Come on in.
Poker Stars: I was just wondering if you'd like to play in a couple more tourneys.
Gydyon: Am I on a downswing?
Poker Stars: No...
Gydyon: It feels like I am on a downswing.
Poker Stars: No, I was just...
Gydyon: I've been on downswings before, and that's what it feels like.
Poker Stars: Do you like Omaha? I know a good Omaha table.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Continuation Bets and a Catholic Kid
I have been reading through a lot of information on NLHE, and one thing I ran into on Up For Poker was the Ten Commandments of Tournaments. Included therein was the maxim "Thou Shalt Continuation Bet." It's food for thought, and worthy of a comment here that applies to the game as a whole.
I think there is one immutable truth to poker players that we really don't want to admit. Anthony Hopkins has a cool line in Amistad that says it best "Who we are is who we were." Man changes but seldom, and I don't know that people can entirely stop being who they are, even at a poker table, even at a pixellized virtual representation of a poker table behind an assumed names. We fall into familiar patterns. We do things the way we learned and were taught.
Those who know me know I am a Christian of the Protestant variety, and a fairly active one. I actually believe all that crap, as some of my agnostic or atheist friends are known to say ;).
However, I was raised Roman Catholic. And Catholicism is most certainly a faith of rules. Especially if you are an active Catholic, as I was even as a child. I used to be fascinated by the history, the tradition, the structure. Rules, sometimes for rules' sake, are therefore a part of my makeup. Doing things a certain way because that's how it's supposed to be is important to me.
Don't get me wrong, that's not always a bad thing. Other than a few tickets her and there, I've never been in trouble. Having respect for rules and structure is great as a lawyer, because it keeps me asking the right questions and rarely does anything I file ever get thrown back on a technicality. It's great as a husband, because I am willing to set boundaries and limits so my wife feels safe and taken care of (speaking mostly to our finances and the "poker contract" which limits my play there).
However, it has its pitfalls of course. I still can fall into my old mindset of "rule rules rules" and get too rigid where creativity is warranted. Therefore, "shalts" can get me into a bit of trouble.
This translates over to poker, of course. I'm still learning, and sometimes I fall into a "structure" mindset -- I play according to a "script" of how things should be going and basic core "rules".
The example is in "Thou Shalt Continuation Bet" - sometimes when I decide to raise in late position with a sub-par hand (A10, KJ, etc.) on a steal, or with a good hand (AK) that misses, I follow that continuation bet rule, regardless of the texture of the table and the results. Three weeks ago, it was working like a charm. Late in tourneys, of course, it can also work to good effect when people are bubble-conscious.
However, recently I have noticed that if that strategy does NOT work, I bleed chips because I will continuation bet myself back down to a short stack when someone connects when I miss or plays back at me. The rule has choked me.
So, as you can see from a previous posts, when playing suboptimally, I waffle between Fancy Play Syndrome and living by "shalts". I must learn to adapt, but also not to get into the place where I am throwing chips around like a bully when it's not warranted.
The point of the above? Not much more than an extended reflection period, but I think it demonstrates that this is a hobby that cannot be pursued on autopilot. I need to think before acting, every hand, all the time, or I'm just going to have to live with a substantially reduced bankroll ;). I want to get better, and I can only get better by thinking about position, stacks, table image, and all the rest. Maybe if I got me a nice checklist of questions by the monitor I could have my structure while allowing for flexibility...
That's it for now. I may edit as more thoughts occur. See, this is the fun part.
PS. No disrespect to any faith or faiths was meant in this post, so please don't read it that way.
I think there is one immutable truth to poker players that we really don't want to admit. Anthony Hopkins has a cool line in Amistad that says it best "Who we are is who we were." Man changes but seldom, and I don't know that people can entirely stop being who they are, even at a poker table, even at a pixellized virtual representation of a poker table behind an assumed names. We fall into familiar patterns. We do things the way we learned and were taught.
Those who know me know I am a Christian of the Protestant variety, and a fairly active one. I actually believe all that crap, as some of my agnostic or atheist friends are known to say ;).
However, I was raised Roman Catholic. And Catholicism is most certainly a faith of rules. Especially if you are an active Catholic, as I was even as a child. I used to be fascinated by the history, the tradition, the structure. Rules, sometimes for rules' sake, are therefore a part of my makeup. Doing things a certain way because that's how it's supposed to be is important to me.
Don't get me wrong, that's not always a bad thing. Other than a few tickets her and there, I've never been in trouble. Having respect for rules and structure is great as a lawyer, because it keeps me asking the right questions and rarely does anything I file ever get thrown back on a technicality. It's great as a husband, because I am willing to set boundaries and limits so my wife feels safe and taken care of (speaking mostly to our finances and the "poker contract" which limits my play there).
However, it has its pitfalls of course. I still can fall into my old mindset of "rule rules rules" and get too rigid where creativity is warranted. Therefore, "shalts" can get me into a bit of trouble.
This translates over to poker, of course. I'm still learning, and sometimes I fall into a "structure" mindset -- I play according to a "script" of how things should be going and basic core "rules".
The example is in "Thou Shalt Continuation Bet" - sometimes when I decide to raise in late position with a sub-par hand (A10, KJ, etc.) on a steal, or with a good hand (AK) that misses, I follow that continuation bet rule, regardless of the texture of the table and the results. Three weeks ago, it was working like a charm. Late in tourneys, of course, it can also work to good effect when people are bubble-conscious.
However, recently I have noticed that if that strategy does NOT work, I bleed chips because I will continuation bet myself back down to a short stack when someone connects when I miss or plays back at me. The rule has choked me.
So, as you can see from a previous posts, when playing suboptimally, I waffle between Fancy Play Syndrome and living by "shalts". I must learn to adapt, but also not to get into the place where I am throwing chips around like a bully when it's not warranted.
The point of the above? Not much more than an extended reflection period, but I think it demonstrates that this is a hobby that cannot be pursued on autopilot. I need to think before acting, every hand, all the time, or I'm just going to have to live with a substantially reduced bankroll ;). I want to get better, and I can only get better by thinking about position, stacks, table image, and all the rest. Maybe if I got me a nice checklist of questions by the monitor I could have my structure while allowing for flexibility...
That's it for now. I may edit as more thoughts occur. See, this is the fun part.
PS. No disrespect to any faith or faiths was meant in this post, so please don't read it that way.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Little Green Book
Because I am lacking patience lately, and said lack of patience explains my bad week or two of poker, I decided it's probably a good time to re-evaluate my game. I have the fortune of playing only recreationally, of course, so my recent bankroll swings don't break me as much as they would if I was significantly committed financially, but I want to avoid going broke.
So, I am turning to one of my favorite NLHE books, Phil Gordon's Little Green Book. Which, since I take the covers off my books, is actually black and red. Little red books are for Chinese Communists! Oh, never mind.
I think the key to fixing my game right now is stepping back. I need to be realistic -- I have only been playing seriously for about 18 months, and in fact that represents only about 12 months of online play. It's OK that I don't know it all yet, and as a result it's OK if I remind myself that tight, solid, poker is not the end of the world (although possibly boring at times), especially at a place like PokerStars where you're only a hand away from someone witlessly paying off your monster hands. Fancy Play Syndrome is a rough disease, and I need to cure it by getting back to the basics. I think Gordon's book does a great job of reminding me of the basics -- certainly it's not everyone's optimal game, and reflects one particular style, but it's a poker book, not a textbook.
I also miss the Circuit, because there's often some good stuff on there. It's back on only once before I leave for AC.
I would also be re-reading Harrington, but I lent it to a guy who runs a "quasi-legal" game I swore I'd never play in again -- but that's another story. Pittsburgh poker is a fascinating tale of intrigue, cloaked in webs of deception. Ok, not really.
I'm better now.
So, I am turning to one of my favorite NLHE books, Phil Gordon's Little Green Book. Which, since I take the covers off my books, is actually black and red. Little red books are for Chinese Communists! Oh, never mind.
I think the key to fixing my game right now is stepping back. I need to be realistic -- I have only been playing seriously for about 18 months, and in fact that represents only about 12 months of online play. It's OK that I don't know it all yet, and as a result it's OK if I remind myself that tight, solid, poker is not the end of the world (although possibly boring at times), especially at a place like PokerStars where you're only a hand away from someone witlessly paying off your monster hands. Fancy Play Syndrome is a rough disease, and I need to cure it by getting back to the basics. I think Gordon's book does a great job of reminding me of the basics -- certainly it's not everyone's optimal game, and reflects one particular style, but it's a poker book, not a textbook.
I also miss the Circuit, because there's often some good stuff on there. It's back on only once before I leave for AC.
I would also be re-reading Harrington, but I lent it to a guy who runs a "quasi-legal" game I swore I'd never play in again -- but that's another story. Pittsburgh poker is a fascinating tale of intrigue, cloaked in webs of deception. Ok, not really.
I'm better now.
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