My wife drove up to see her mom this weekend and to help here with a yard sale.
As an introvert, I enjoy some me time now and then to recharge, and as a poker player I enjoy a couple days to play without sacrificing time with my wife, but still it's no fun having my best friend absent.
Especially since the last couple of days I've been feeling pretty down. Not sure why.
HORSE is still crazy good. I can play in a tournament or two and still finish up 15 BB or more playing 1 or 2 tables for a couple of hours. I am sure it will end soon, but while it lasts it feels good to have some positive poker cash flow again. Also it was absolutely fabulous for clearing the last of my bonus.
Friday at Bob's was fun. Watched the game, broke even in the tourneys (played 2 for $5, finished second for $10 in one). Bob's a good guy, and i enjoyed seeing his new place. Hope we can get a home game rolling soon.
Saturday I broke about even in the single tables (chopped a couple), bounced out of the tourney in record time (should not have joined the survivor pool), and booked a win in the NL game.
To be frank I was not playing particularly well (I allowed a bit of "scared money" tighten me up a bit more than the table warranted), but managed to survive a very aggressive table with some well-timed semi-bluffs and hitting some hands.
Also, however, I never had AK or a pair higher than Jacks all night and still booked a win. It was funny -- no one respected a raise or a continuation bet -- we had one guy who would call any PF raise, flop, and turn bets with paint boards with his eights, then finally believe on the river and fold to a quarter-pot bet.
If only I had had a premium hand all night -- I would have been sitting on much more instead. Crazy game. I look forward to playing it again, because I think there's money to be made there. It used to be a capped game, but now that they have increased the buy-in it plays a little better.
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