Friday, August 11, 2006


So I pay $25 for the DirecTV PPV of the WSOP Final Table. Unfortunately I had to be in court this morning, so I TIVO'd it and went to bed. What I did see was loads of fun though. Gordon is made for this kind of work. Chad and Gordon next year?

Anyway, I get up this morning and verify everything taped, and in fact I get to hear the winner's acceptance speech as I am getting ready. After I cook breakfast and say bye to my girl, I go to turn the TV off and notice the TIVO is at 69% instead of 50%. The stupid thing erased my $25 show.

Now I verified that DirecTV allows recording of its PPV events, so that's not the issue. It just ate it (this has been happening on occasion, but I deliberately hit "Keep").

Fortunately DirecTV does a "in case you missed some" thing with its purchases, so my buy bought me the replay, too, but how annying would it be to pay $25 to watch an hour of the WSOP?

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