After my win last Monday in the WPTFanSOP O8 tournament and a 2d in the HORSE event Wednesday, I have played absolutely no poker of any kind. It's been a nice break actually.
As to HORSE, I think I played well, but I was very aggressive with my draws at the end with a player who was going to call me no matter what he had. I had been pretty aggressive and he decided he was going to call me down. I should have slowed down. Nothing wrong in principle with someone who wants to "keep you honest," but I personally think you need to have a hand of your own for this strategy to actually work in the long run.
For example, check calling with Ace High after a completion and catching two pair on the end, and check calling after a completion until 6th with a pair of twos with no other draws, only to catch a third two on the river and running down two pair does not seem +EV, but it was limit.
If any of my draws hit or my big hands hold, I win the thing walking and have an early lock on the SOP prize pool. Heck, if I didn't get raised on the flop on the last hand by the underpair to the board that could make me broke (it gave me two pair on the turn and my opponent gets his set), I am doubled up and ready to try to book the win. I ran in to the one play style that could bust me if I bricked and I should have adjusted.
I went away to my in-laws camp in the mountains this weekend. Had a good, relaxing time. I started to read Take Me to the River and it is an AWESOME read so far -- I may have to buy some of Alson's other books.
Also went through the first 5 problems in Harrington 3 and I am surprised that my tourney style is so similar to Harrington's. I really disagree with his refusal to reraise Farha in one of his problems as Negreanu when he flops the nut straight and Farha is obviously betting until he gets it, but that's because I would not want Farha betting his flush draw and getting there, which is what ends up happening. In this case HSP is invaluable, because it reinforced my earlier belief that Farha will bet it until he gets it, and then you'll pay him off because you can't believe he was betting with THAT.
Other than that, having fun learning about the game and not playing for a few days. Feeling refreshed. My plan is to continue my slow BR rebuild, and now that everyone's WSOP push is over, I plan to possibly sat into the USPC or maybe just the big Sunday tourneys.
By the way, before I forget, good luck to Nordberg (Peter Feldman) and Slart (Derek Scott) today in Day 1D. Good luck to all the other DBs still in the thing, including my boy Chris Minery (Mineryc/Inigo Montoya) and some other great people. I'm so impressed, keep up the fight.
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