Thursday, June 22, 2006


Sorry, stuff has been boring. Ramping up for three trials in Delaware and I have not been feeling well -- means I am reading a lot and struggling to keep focused. My sleep apnea equipment finally arrives tomorrow so at least I can start getting some good sleep.

My condolences to fellow Pittsburgh blogger Mean Gene on his recent troubles. Keep your chin up, sir.

I will probably play in a crazy local cash game tomorrow night. I am trying to get excited for it, but I have gone a long time between winning sessions at this game. They play NL and PLO, though, so it's like crack. I think I am a better player than the last time I was there, so here's hoping I remember my rules.

1. Play tighter when they're loose.
2. Tight does not mean folding when you have a hand that can cripple if it nails the flop and can see said flop for cheap.
3. Play tighter when they're loose.
4. Think before you bet, try to keep pots small unless you are pricing out a draw.
5. Play tighter when they're loose.
6. It's OK to fold. If you're getting bored, play with your Hulk toy or make conversation. Hell, that's why you bought the damn IPod.
7. Play tighter when they're loose.
8. AJ and AQ are crap.

I don't think I missed anything. ;)


Dawn Summers said...

I LOVE these rules...must get Hulk toy to fend off the urge to play 45off.

Gydyon said...

He's awesome. I bought him on Ebay but he failed to arrive in time for my AC trip. He's 2" tall, has my haircut which is a bit creepy, and his arms move.

I'm the biggest nerd on earth. I should just get the Klingon outfit and go with it.