Monday, June 05, 2006


Horrible poker day yesterday. Played in both the PS 215 and the FTP 216 and was in both for about two hours before getting dumped.

I did not play brilliantly, I will admit, but I also had nothing to work with. I never got above starting stack in the PS tourney, and also never got a playable pocket pair. I also never hit the flop.

FTP started off great after tripling up early. However, my stack never crested 9500 as I got sucked out on with Aces versus Q5 sooooted and then the card death continued.

In 4.5 hours of play, I got about 10 playable hands, including three big pocket pairs and a couple of high paint. My rudimentary math says I should have gotten at least three times that amount over the two tournaments. Simply put, I am not good enough yet to play well with no cards. Maybe that day is looming, but when even the steals don't work it's simply not my day.

Oh well, I'll take a break and hopefully it will go better next time.

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