Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Time to dust, I guess

Wow. I have been bad at updating lately. I will do a quick update now and try to add some thoughts on the weekend.

1. Kids are doing great and growing. About 6 weeks to go.
2. Kris is managing the pain well. I am proud of her. She's doing everything an expectant mom should be doing -- not overworking, eating well, avoiding stress. She doesn't even ice cream binge!
3. I am doing fine. My cold went away, but a week later I got some sort of bronchitis-type crud that's just now dissapating.
4. I've been playing very little poker. I lost at my local game two Fridays ago by playing tired (I should read my rules again), and won online pretty consistently. I love those middle stakes NLHE games on FTP.
5. Probably going to play some more this weekend, if I finish the nursery up. Have a couple more small things to do in there.
6. Work is kind of frantic, as I am being pulled in a couple of different directions. Managing it OK though.

That's all for now. I will try to take notes when I play so I can make some interesting posts. Enough of this "once a week or less" crap ;), although this may become a parenting blog before too long haha.

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